Meet The Team: Developers

Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2018

It doesn’t matter if you have an amazing idea combined with the ultimate strategy if you can’t implement. Without a world-class development team we’d never be able to achieve our goal of creating a world class video sharing platform and protocol to power the future of online video.

Thankfully, we’ve gathered a group of individuals who have proven themselves, time and time again, to not only be highly competent but also able to hit ambitious deadlines.

For example, we’re already ahead of our roadmap. Bitcoinist recently wrote about the project and highlighted that viewers can now earn VERA cryptocurrency for watching videos on Verasity.

David Orman, Verasity CEO and Co-founder had this to say.

“The team has been unbelievable in getting this ready so soon. The VeraPlayer™ is a real live demonstration of how Verasity works, allowing us to start rewarding our community with VERA cryptocurrency just by going to our site today.”

We’re proud to list the following people as lead developers in our 10 person strong development team and the technological cornerstone which makes Verasity so experienced in blockchain, video distribution, ad-tech, and media.

Kyrylo Bybyk — Lead Engineer, Blockchain Developer
High-load C/C++ developer with 11 years of experience. Strong background working with online video platforms with high traffic volumes. Co-inventor of Proof of View (PoV)™, patent pending.

Chris Morof — Senior Engineer
Ex. CTO Video Ad Platform, Creator of VRSynapse, Founder of Beacon Heaven, Blockchain Expert.

Ievgen Iegorochkin — Blockchain Developer
Experience working with online video platforms with high traffic volumes. Blockchain developer. High-load back-end C/C++ developer. Application Security Engineer.

Dmytro Medianik — High-load back-end developer and security engineer
High-load back-end C/C++ developer. Security/operations engineer with 10 years of experience. PJSC Nord, IT Director.

Mykolai Chapny — Blockchain and back-end developer
Full-stack developer and blockchain enthusiast.

Anton Lukashenko — Full-stack developer
Full-stack, JavaScript developer. Nova Poshta development manager.

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Verasity is a leading video platform providing unique Rewarded Player Technology to major publishers across the globe.

Our patent pending Rewards-as-a-Service (RaaS) Player enables VRA rewards, monetization and loyalty schemes within the player wallet. Our player technology is already available to 280,000 publishers with 240 million users and 50 billion monthly views. This brings engagement, audiences and revenues back to publisher sites. Our attention-based model creates a thriving VRA token economy between viewers, publishers and advertisers.

Verasity is the future of online video — Reach, Reward, Retain.




Advertising technology based on open-ledger principles. We have the first patented adtech protocol on the blockchain — VeraViews