The Spark Marketplace: Providing The Power To Create

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4 min readMay 3, 2018

The Spark Marketplace is designed to help Creators of all types. Whether you’re broadcasting from your home setup, have a production studio, or you’re a major media producer — you all have one thing in common. In order to Create, you need funds.

Creators constantly need to generate revenue. It’s what they rely upon to pay the bills, live, and yes, continue making videos!

At the moment it’s difficult to rely upon content creation as the sole source of income. Unclear revenue share models and the oversaturation of current platforms make it a constant uphill climb for Creators who are struggling to survive. That’s not all they have to deal with though, the top videos that users see are the ones which make the platforms the most money — not necessarily what’s best for the Viewer or Creator. It’s a constant battle that unfortunately most Creators are losing. Did you know that the majority of Creators are living below the poverty line?

It’s not just daily living, great content needs investment in both time and money. This can be anything from new cameras, to a bigger studio, or paying celebrities to star in videos. Without more content, and better content, audiences can become disengaged and look elsewhere for something to watch. As most Creators know, higher quality videos equals more subscribers, donations, and sponsorships but a huge amount of both time and money are required to get there!

Financing growth and better content from revenue alone is slow and inefficient. It’s made even worse as platforms take a large cut of everything the Creator has made. At Verasity we want to change this.

The Spark Marketplace is designed to help Creators grow by enabling them to raise funds so that they can create even better content. Not only that, but the Spark Marketplace gives back to the people who helped them raise the funds.

Creators can choose to sell a VeraSpark smart-contract in their channel, they can choose how much VERA to sell it for, and what percentage of their channel revenue that Spark is worth. Users can buy a Spark in a Creator’s channel and while they hold that channel Spark, they will receive a percentage of the VERA earned by the Creator. If they decide that they want to then resell that Spark, they can do so in the Spark Marketplace.

So, how does it help?

1) Creators can grow their channel from a new camera all the way up to a full studio, this will help Creators make better content.

2) The Viewer who holds the Spark receives a percentage of the channel’s future VERA earnings in return.

3) That means that the holder of the Spark is now invested in the success of the Creator’s channel even more so than just being a fan. It’s in their interest to see the Creator’s channel thrive because they benefit too.

Our aim is to help all levels of Creators grow and reward their Viewers too. The Spark Marketplace is there whether you have an engaged audience for specialist content or you’re trying to grow a viral channel.

Then there are the major media producers.

It may seem like they’ve reached the top of the ladder and have no more problems, but just take a look at how many shows have been cancelled because the ratings didn’t meet expectations with the first episode. This content is barely given a chance to survive. Imagine if you could help raise the funds, through the Spark Marketplace, to continue a cancelled show or create a feature film? The possibilities are endless.

Content creation no longer has to be a fruitless task and Viewers can get more thanks than just a shout-out. The Spark Marketplace opens up countless opportunities for every type of Content Creator as well as their audiences.

Content creation should be about the relationship between the Creator and their audience, it shouldn’t be about making the most money for the biggest corporations. That’s why at Verasity we’re giving the power to the people, to you, the Creators and the Viewers.

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Disclaimer: The Spark Marketplace is presently not planned to be available to VERA token-holders in the US and certain other jurisdictions where it is restricted by law.

Verasity is a leading video platform providing unique Rewarded Player Technology to major publishers across the globe.

Our patent pending Rewards-as-a-Service (RaaS) Player enables VRA rewards, monetization and loyalty schemes within the player wallet. Our player technology is already available to 280,000 publishers with 240 million users and 50 billion monthly views. This brings engagement, audiences and revenues back to publisher sites. Our attention-based model creates a thriving VRA token economy between viewers, publishers and advertisers.

Verasity is the future of online video — Reach, Reward, Retain.




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