The Verasity economy 2.0

Published in
4 min readMay 3, 2019

As Verasity adapts to the ever-changing online video market, we must update and refine our economy to make sure it will be sustainable and profitable.

Publishers want more views, higher engagement and click-through rates on their own websites to achieve more revenue from ads and subscriptions. A Creator wants more reach, follows and likes, which builds greater value for their sponsors now and in the future.

They each benefit from using Verasity’s infrastructure and tools. All that is required is that they set up an account and implement a simple line of code to turn on our Patent Pending Technology — VeraWallet. They don’t need to change their current video platform or workflow.

The biggest problem now for Publishers is to retain their audience on their own websites. Video Sharing platforms that compete with YouTube don’t solve the underlying problem that Publishers want viewers on their own domains and not on YouTube or anywhere else. Verasity has the only solution that has completely solved this problem. We evolved from a video sharing platform to providing infrastructure and tools for Publishers to be able to finally compete and increase their revenues substantially.

By watching other video sharing platforms flounder and fail, we concluded that the best solution was to not change the Publishers current workflows or the habits of viewers. To cross the marketing chasm from early adopters to early majority we need a target market with an understanding of the whole product concept and with appropriate distribution. By not changing viewers’ habits or the workflows of Publishers, we move directly to early majority on those platforms with a distribution that already exists. Our solution targets moving everyone’s platforms’ users into our ecosystem.

We have already integrated our Rewarded Video Player module with the following video platforms:

These video platforms represent over 25% of all online video watched but what is far more important is that all the largest Publishers including Sky, CBS, HBO, Viacom, CNN, Sony, Discovery, Eurosport, Fox, BBC are on these platforms and not on YouTube.

When Publishers sign up, they add the Verasity SDK module to their video player, create an escrow account in VeraWallet with VRA bought from exchanges and set up a reward campaign to suit their business needs.

Now viewers can watch their premium content and get rewarded in VRA cryptocurrency. The viewer is engaged, happy and will come back and watch more and more content from the Publisher on the Publisher’s site and Publishers will purchase more VRA on exchanges to engage even more viewers. Win-win!

Additionally, the viewer can watch an opt-in ad before the video starts. If so, he can earn a larger VRA reward. This generates additional revenue which is used to purchase VRA on exchanges that is shared between the Publisher and creator (less 10% for Verasity transaction fees). The VRA is purchased on exchanges and Publishers use this VRA to offer further rewards and thus restart the virtuous VRA economic cycle. Every quarter, the foundation uses the FIAT funds collected from transaction fees to buy back VRA from the exchanges.

Viewers rewarded VRA have to sign up for a VeraWallet which expands the Verasity viewer base. They can choose to stake their tokens and earn a 36.5% annual interest at, buy more VRA from the exchange or spend VRA directly on goods and services via partnerships Verasity will have or donate VRA to support the creator or Publisher.


On VeraWallet viewers can explore where to watch more content from other Publishers for VRA or watch ads directly for rewards.

The Verasity Virtuous Circle

To see all the features of our new and updated VeraWallet —

About Verasity is a leading video player providing unique Rewarded Video Player Technology to major video Publishers across the globe. The patent-pending Video Player enables VRA rewards, monetization and loyalty schemes within the video player wallet. Our unique player technology is already available to over 1.6 million video Publishers with 550 million viewers and over 110 billion monthly views. This brings engagement, audiences, and revenues back to video Publisher sites from YouTube. Our attention-based model creates a thriving VRA token economy between viewers, video Publishers and advertisers.

Verasity is the future of online video.

Verasity Products include: VeraWallet:

VRA (ticker) is trading on:




VRA can be staked for 36.5% annual interest at

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Media Contact:

Anne Szustek Talbot
BX3 Capital




Advertising technology based on open-ledger principles. We have the first patented adtech protocol on the blockchain — VeraViews