Verasity 2019 Changes

Published in
4 min readJan 29, 2019

Dear community,

Our goal at Verasity has been to power the future of online video. With over 81% of online internet traffic to be video by 2021, this is a very large market. Since launching, not only have we been overwhelmed by the support of our community and token holders, but also by the interest in our technology from large publishers and broadcasters. Due to this interest, we have decided to make some adjustments to our go to market strategy, business model and the original business architecture.

We, as a company, have come to the conclusion after much debate, that we will be moving forward and changing a few of the milestones we have set for ourselves in our roadmap in order to adapt to the needs of the online video industry, the market, and the changing tides of the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. These decisions have been made with careful consideration of our supporters and investors as well as the target future consumers and users in mind. We believe that our success depends on the continued support of our investors and protecting your interests.

One of the key changes we are making to the go to market strategy is with the Verasity video sharing platform ( This video sharing platform was planned as a working proof-of-concept for the Verasity protocol that would allow us to initiate conversations with large, global publishers and broadcasters. Although in the last year we have made significant progress developing the online video sharing platform (, the strong interest we have had from global publishers to use our technology means we do not need this proof of concept as a first step. Therefore, a decision has been made by both our advisors, consultants, and through our customer feedback, that the release of should be delayed until further notice. Instead, for the near future, we shall focus our efforts to become the Online Video Platform and Player of choice for not only all of crypto and Blockchain but also to gain mass market adoption with non-crypto related publishers. Our B2B business model will focus on getting our Player technology across multiple publishing platforms and distributors, as a tool for publishing, marketing and content delivery that creates a direct relationship and added value between content creators, publishers, and consumers. This will get VRA into the hands of existing mass communities across these publishers platforms, strengthening the demand and awareness for VRA.

To increase the benefits of holding VRA, we are introducing a staking program called VRAPool. By staking VRA, users earn 0.1% per day in VRA as a reward, or 36% AER. A new Staking rewards pool of VRA will be created out of the unsold tokens from Verasity’s sale to fund these staking rewards. This creates a fair way for users and token holders to benefit directly from the success of Verasity in the short and long term.

All of our decisions have been made to benefit our investors and create greater demand. We plan to launch the Verawallet with staking feature ahead of our listing on exchanges. More information will be announced very soon.

We have already signed partnerships with multiple projects, exchanges, and platforms both inside and outside of the blockchain space; to be announced strategically, in the very near future. Please stay tuned…

Linked below are the original documentation and the new amendments to the original roadmap, and whitepaper and economics paper.

Whitepaper Amendments


Economics Paper

While this news of delaying, the video sharing platform, may not make everyone happy, we hope you appreciate how diligent we have been to ensure the Verasity business model, utility scale, and the VRA token, will challenge the top listed tokens and be around for many years to come.

We are very excited about the upside of our new direction and truly believe this will significantly improve the speed of adoption for VRA which benefits the entire community.

Verasity is a leading video platform providing unique Rewarded Player Technology to major publishers across the globe.

Our patent pending Rewards-as-a-Service (RaaS) Player enables VRA rewards, monetization and loyalty schemes within the player wallet. Our player technology is already available to 280,000 publishers with 240 million users and 50 billion monthly views. This brings engagement, audiences and revenues back to publisher sites. Our attention-based model creates a thriving VRA token economy between viewers, publishers and advertisers.

Verasity is the future of online video — Reach, Reward, Retain.










Advertising technology based on open-ledger principles. We have the first patented adtech protocol on the blockchain — VeraViews