Verasity Joins Binance Chain Alliance

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4 min readSep 23, 2019

We’re delighted to announce that Verasity has joined Binance Chain Alliance. Comprising a conglomerate of blockchain companies that have migrated to Binance Chain, BCA aims to set new industry standards, promote partnerships, and showcase the most enterprising projects listed on Binance DEX. That means we’ll be joining fellow Binance Chain projects such as Ankr and Ferrum Network as a member of Binance Chain Alliance (BCA).

While not officially affiliated with, the alliance seeks to support other projects and their founders during their migration process to Binance Chain, as well as support them in a variety of areas such as financing, technology, KYC and network introductions.

Since launching on Binance’s eponymous decentralized exchange in June, Verasity has attracted praise from Changpeng Zhao, who described our video player solution as “the perfect vehicle for viewers, publishers and content creators to benefit from the utility of blockchain technology.” Our goal is to do for video what Brave has done for the web browser, providing a way for content creators to monetize, without the need to migrate to a new platform to integrate crypto payments.

Collaboration and Cross-Promotion

Given Binance’s status within the cryptosphere, joining Binance Chain Alliance was a natural choice. More than merely giving crypto projects something to talk about, there are tangible benefits to having a direct line to the Binance team. The mentorship, networking connections, and resources the world’s largest exchange can bring to the table are invaluable for crypto projects that are just starting out, and which are trying to broaden their global reach.

Some of the projects within Binance Chain Alliance will likely be invited to set up to the main exchange in due course, while for the remainder there’s value to be derived in the support that Binance can provide on such matters as financing, compliance, and in facilitating introductions to potential clients and partners.

Three Action-Packed Months — And the Best Is Yet to Come

Since the VRA token migrated from Ethereum to Binance Chain and listed on Binance DEX in June, trading volumes have been strong, as has interest in the Verasity Reward Program. Behind the scenes, meanwhile, development has been progressing at a breakneck pace. This week we announced a partnership with BlockGroup to help better communicate our vision to the crypto community, and at the start of the month we inked a deal with the Internet Advertising Bureau UK with the goal of advancing the emerging ‘Value Exchange Economy.’

We’ve also made significant progress in improving our SDKS, to make it easier for the Verasity wallet, video player, reward module, and blockchain-based verification analytics to be integrated directly into existing platforms. Thanks to the interoperability options that Binance Chain opens up, we’re excited by the possibilities available in the coming months as we seek to integrate Verasity’s video rewards solution into a wealth of projects, both within the cryptosphere and the broader publishing industry. As a member of Binance Chain Alliance, we look forward to developing more opportunities for collaborating with forward-thinking companies who share our vision for building a better internet that benefits everyone, from media publishers to content creators.

We want to thank Cubiex and their CEO Pierre Cahine for launching the Binance Chain Alliance. Check them out at:

About Verasity

Verasity is a leading company providing rewarded video player technology to major publishers across the globe. The patent-pending video player enables tokenized rewards (VRA) as well as loyalty schemes within a video player wallet. The unique technology is already available to more than 2 million video publishers with 550 million users and 110 billion monthly views bringing engagement and revenues back to publishers’ sites. Verasity’s attention-based model creates a thriving VRA token economy between viewers, video publishers and advertisers.

Verasity has a partnership with Binance Chain, a blockchain software system developed by Binance in a move that will bring about a new incentivised video economy.

Verasity is the future of online video.

Verasity Products include: VeraWallet:

Verasity technology is now integrated into the following video players on publishers’ sites: YouTube, Twitch, Vimeo, JWPlayer, Brightcove, Kaltura, VideoJS, Flowplayer, and Ooyala which represents over 95% of all the video players utilized.

📈 VRA/VRAB (ticker) is trading on:

VRA and VRAB can be staked for 36.5% annual interest at

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