Verasity Launches on Zealy!

Published in
3 min readApr 13, 2023

Verasity has officially launched on Zealy (previously Crew³), an innovative community-building platform for Web3 projects!

Zealy will enable us to expand our reach to a wider audience and attract new members to our community, social media channels, and VRA. Through frequent events and reach-tailored Quests, everyone can get involved and help contribute to our collective growth and success.

With Zealy, members can participate in Quests and compete for top spots on the leaderboard every Sprint. Scaling up the leaderboard translates to rewards including VRA tokens, merchandise, and more.

And what better way to start than by launching with a Sprint, featuring a $1,000 prize pool in VRA!

The first Sprint is currently underway and will continue until April 27th, 2023:

  • 1st place: $350 VRA
  • 2nd place: $200 VRA
  • 3rd place: $100 VRA
  • 4th — 10th place: $50 VRA

All winners must have a VeraWallet account to claim rewards.

Read on to learn more about Verasity on Zealy, and the meanings behind the terms “Sprints” and “Quests”.

What exactly is a Sprint?

It’s a defined period of time during which members of our community can undertake Quests and accumulate XP for each successful completion. The number of Quests you finish directly impacts your ranking on the leaderboard, with top performers receiving rewards at the end of the Sprint.

Think of it as a marathon, where each step counts, and the grand prize is worth the sweat and toil!

And what about Quests?

They’re like stepping stones along the way, offering a sense of accomplishment and progress as you earn XP for completing them.

Automatic verification is available for certain Quests, while manual approval is necessary for others to receive XP. These verifications serve important technical or quality purposes and usually take a few hours to a few days to complete.

Quests can range from simple tasks like following us on Twitter or joining our Discord server, to more challenging missions like creating a YouTube video about the Verasity ecosystem. The more challenging the Quest, the higher the XP reward!

Ready to get started?

Getting started is a breeze, and we have everything you need to kick off your journey to be a successful Zealy Questor!

  1. Head over to the Verasity Zealy to start,
  2. Click “Connect” and choose your preferred authentication method from the menu bar,

3. Start completing Quests, racking up XP, and climbing the leaderboard.

While there are no strict rules to follow, we’ve got some tips and tricks to help you make the most of your experience:

  • Complete as many Quests as you can to accumulate the most XP possible.
  • Closely read the descriptions of each Quest and take note of how often they can be completed. Some Quests may only be done once, while others can be completed on a daily or weekly basis.
  • The more Quests you complete, the higher you rank on the leaderboard.
  • Stay on top of your progress by monitoring your ranking on the leaderboard.

Note: We exclusively monitor the leaderboard for the “Current Sprint”’ and do not track rankings on the “All time” leaderboard during Sprints.

Nevertheless, those who occupy top positions on the “All time” leaderboard may be eligible for rewards in the future.

Sprints will be run periodically, a strategy designed to propel the growth of the Verasity community in 2023.

These Sprints will be communicated across all our social platforms to ensure that every member is well-informed and able to participate, so make sure you’re following us and keep your eyes peeled!




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