Verasity Releases its 2022 Roadmap

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8 min readJan 17, 2022

We’re pleased to reveal our highly anticipated roadmap for 2022, as well as detailed milestones for Q1 2022. During the start of the year, we will be building on the foundations laid in Q4 2021, but we also have several major independent initiatives which will introduce vastly improved functionality and features for the Verasity ecosystem.

In this article, we will explore our roadmap in detail, but if you’re short on time we are releasing a condensed roadmap on our newly rebranded website. If you’ve got a bit more time and you want to find out what our milestones mean for the growth of Verasity’s ecosystem, read on.

Q1 2022 — Key Milestones

As Verasity Founder R J Mark explained in his recent Tweet, the scope of our partnership with Brightcove, and the pace with which Brightcove’s customers are requesting VeraViews integration, has made us realign our roadmap; to position Verasity for strong enterprise growth during 2022. This is mainly reflected in our focus to deliver a Proof of View closed beta with Brightcove for their enormous enterprise user base of the largest publishers and broadcasters in the world.

Brightcove Integration Q1 Milestones

  • Admin panel for Brightcove customers (PoV): We will implement an admin panel for publishers using the VeraViews ad tech stack through Brightcove, enabling them to authorize ads, view publisher details, leverage enhanced user management, explore payment details, and more,
  • Analytics dashboard for Brightcove publishers (PoV): To enhance data insights for publishers using our solution via Brightcove, we will be implementing live reports on revenue by geography, ad fraud metrics, and more; plus adding the ability to export these metrics,
  • VeraViews & Proof of View (closed beta) for the Brightcove Player: As we shared in our original Brightcove partnership announcement, we will be integrating our ad stack (VeraViews & Proof of View) into the Brightcove Player (used by thousands of projects worldwide) as an integrated Brightcove solution.

Our key focus for Q1 2022 will be on expanding our integration with Brightcove, first making it easier for publishers using our technology to track their ad spend, ad serve, and fraud prevention through the development of an admin panel. We will also continue progress on natively integrating VeraViews and Proof of View technology into the Brightcove player as an integrated Brightcove solution, allowing some 3,000 Brightcove publishers to leverage our ad tech stack by flicking a switch in their admin panel should they wish to.

As Brightcove publishers start to use VeraViews, their engagement rates and CTR (Click Through Rates) will increase as their fraud rates drop. This means that for each dollar of brand spend, they are receiving a multiple of their dollar value vs. losing ~60% to ad fraud today. Publishers get paid higher CPMs (cost per thousand ads) for higher engagement and CTR rates, and brands will see more significant sales of their products. In return, Verasity gets a percentage of the CPM. Over time, brands and publishers will make a decision how to apportion their ad spend: choosing either visibility but at a loss (through YouTube or Facebook) or to earn more money via Brightcove and Verasity’s solution. This will be a balancing act on the part of brands and publishers, but one in which Verasity invariably wins because of the size of the ad market, which today is valued at over US$400 billion and growing. Whatever percentage of the ad spend is apportioned to earning money will be a significant revenue line for Verasity.

We are also building a content landing page for Brightcove broadcasters to easily leverage VeraEsports content for their own viewers, and deploy live chat and analytics functions for publishers using VeraEsports. This means that all VeraEsports esports content will also be available for Brightcove broadcasters on their native Brightcove video player.

Brightcove customers can choose between VeraEsports content + VeraViews (Our Ad Stack with Proof of View) or utilize each one as a stand alone product. For broadcasters that choose only to broadcast VeraEsports content, payment will be made as a sponsorship fee in either $VRA or fiat (all fiat is used to purchase $VRA on exchanges).

Publishers that choose the Verasity ad tech stack through Brightcove will have different requirements. For example, integrating with large international publishers (like Sky) will not be the same deal as making VeraViews available for small content creators. The commercial objective for Verasity is to be paid in a percentage of the total CPM value flowing through the ad stack. This deal flow is negotiable depending on the size and scale of the publisher (these agreements are subject to confidentiality). Publishers will be given the option to pay in $VRA for this ad share revenue or pay in an agreed fiat currency which will be used to buy back $VRA on the open market. In either case the effect will be the same — for $VRA it will be supportive and Verasity will report the amount of $VRA bought back from time to time. This is our expected business model.

Other Q1 Milestones

In Q1, one of our other core focus areas will be on increasing accessibility and streamlining the user onboarding experience to position ourselves for serious user growth that is now required with the Brightcove partnership. Let’s look at the key milestones:

  • VeraEsports: VeraEsports will receive improvements to the tournament creation flow, making it easier for admins to create and manage tournaments,
  • VeraWallet .CSV Export: Introduction of an account transactions history export functionality for the VeraWallet.

You may have already noticed that just two weeks into 2022, we have already delivered on one of these milestones. We announced support for VeraWallet transaction exporting, a highly requested reporting feature that grants the ability to export your transaction history from the VeraWallet as a .CSV file. This enables easy integration into crypto tax reporting software such as Koinly. If you missed that release, check it out here.

VeraEsports content

VeraEsports will announce a major official tournament with a leading game franchise that will run throughout 2022.

VeraEsports will also announce an additional 18 tournaments for 2022 across 8 game titles for the regions of NA, EU, KR/JP, Asia and Oceania. We expect over 400 hours of livestream with top professional teams and we will elaborate on these tournaments closer to the time.

Q2 2022 — Key Milestones

As we move into Q2, we will remain focused on enhancing our offering to enterprise video publishers through Brightcove as Proof of View will be Live with Brightcove customers!

We will also begin focusing on our NFT marketplace. The first iteration of our NFT offering will be in the form of a closed beta, let’s explore the milestones below:

  • NFT Functionality: During this quarter, we will build out Proof of View-enabled smart contract functionality for NFTs,
  • NFT Marketplace Closed Beta: Once PoV-enabled smart contracts for NFTs are built out, we will roll-out NFT marketplace MVP closed beta for gaming publishers,
  • VeraEsports: During this quarter, we also plan to enable live chat functionality for live events in VeraEsports, enhancing the user experience.

Our development of PoV-enabled smart contract functionality for NFTs during this quarter will lay the foundation for the development and roll-out of our NFT marketplace to public users during the latter half of 2022.

The NFT Marketplace closed beta for gaming publishers will enable us to make a full public launch with a solid user experience, and the necessary tools to offer market-leading enterprise NFT features.

Q3 2022 — Key Milestones

The continued development of our NFT marketplace will comprise the core focus of Q3 2022, and we will concentrate on building a flourishing and feature-rich marketplace that rivals other leading NFT trading destinations in the ecosystem. Our Q3 milestones include:

  • NFT marketplace MVP launch: Following a successful closed beta with gaming publishers, we will make a public MVP launch of our NFT Marketplace. The features we expect to be available at launch include:
  1. A platform for in-game redeemable NFT item creation, minting, and resale capabilities for game publishers,
  2. Purchase functionality for NFT Marketplace buyers,
  3. NFT resale functionality for NFT Marketplace sellers,
  4. Public user-profiles and NFT collections,

More information about our NFT Marketplace roll-out will be available as we move into Q3.

Q4 2022 — Key Milestones

During Q4 2022, as our NFT marketplace and Brightcove integrations near completion, our team will also focus on developing a single Verasity Account — a secure identity management service that will enable Single Sign-On across all of our products. Our milestones for Q4 include:

  • VeraWallet: We will be exploring the homepage and supporting pages refresh for the VeraWallet website to bring it in line with the branding for the rest of Verasity, with an updated look and feel. Further updates to the VeraWallet app are planned next year,
  • VeraEsports: To make navigation of our Esports content easier, we will introduce a new video library tagging and categorization system,
  • Single Sign-On: We will implement Verasity wide single sign-on across all of our product verticals, empowering users to seamlessly interact with all of our products from one single account. This major update is the ad tech equivalent of having a single Google Account for your Verasity products!
  • User Authentication: We will be implementing an identity and access management service for user authentication and authorization across all of Verasity’s product verticals,
  • Multi-factor Authentication (MFA): We’re going to make it easier to keep your accounts safe by improving account security by introducing phone number MFA,
  • Enhanced support: We are improving our support service to ensure that there’s an integrated support service across all Verasity products,

Our users will no longer need to have separate accounts for VeraEsports, Rewards, and VeraWallet. There will be no need to create multiple accounts and remember various login credentials. Instead, you will need only one account to access all of our Verasity products. Moreover, all of the products will have a unified user support flow. You can think of this as a Google single sign-on for all Google products — Verasity is similarly a single entity with many products and modules for a range of audiences.

This will greatly improve the UX for our existing users and significantly simplify the registration process for new users. All of our existing user accounts will be automatically and securely migrated to the new Verasity Account service. This is part of our drive to make the Verasity ecosystem more accessible so we can scale to many thousands of users during 2022.

We’re also planning to make things safer for our users. On top of our current account protection measures, we will introduce a phone number-based Multi-Factor Authentication as one of the ways users can secure their Verasity Account.

In addition to these major updates for the entire Verasity ecosystem, we are also continuously working on rolling out improvements and new features for VeraEsports and VeraWallet which will continue during the course of 2022.

We will be continuously working towards meeting these milestones during 2022, and we thank you for your support along the way! Let’s have a great year.

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Advertising technology based on open-ledger principles. We have the first patented adtech protocol on the blockchain — VeraViews