VeraViews Files Proof of View Patents in Hong Kong and Eurasia

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3 min readAug 24, 2022

Verasity is pleased to announce that Proof of View (PoV), the technology module powering the VeraViews ad tech stack, is one step closer to recognition as a globally unique innovation through a recent patent filing in both Hong Kong and Eurasia.

The filings follow Proof of View’s successful patent approval in the USA and China, the world’s two largest advertising markets. Verasity is now seeking patent approval in other major advertising markets worldwide, of which Hong Kong and Eurasia are the first successful jurisdictions.

Approval in Hong Kong

Hong Kong may be small in size, but it’s a highly influential territory in the global advertising industry. With total advertising spend of almost $3bn USD in 2020 ($22.1bn HK$), and a considerable portion of this spend comprised of digital advertising, the advertising industry in Hong Kong is flourishing and growing at a rapid rate.

As we know, where advertising budgets grow, fraud increases alongside it. Our patent approval in Hong Kong now allows us to market our solutions to a multitude of East Asian publishers and advertisers, and vastly increases the market that VeraViews can operate in.

We view the East Asian ad market as one of the most important geographies and markets for advertising worldwide, and we will continue to protect our solution through patent approvals in these jurisdictions.

Approval in Eurasia

The Eurasian Patent Office covers the countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Russian Federation, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan. These geographies are particularly important for Russian-speaking countries and those countries that utilise Cyrillic languages in digital advertising. Collectively, Eurasian countries make up billions of dollars of advertising spend.

This patent area is also particularly important for Proof of View when identifying and storing data on threat actors and cybercriminals operating out of these territories. We’re confident that VeraViews and Proof of View as a module, after securing patent protection, can offer world-class anti-fraud solutions in the Eurasian markets.

What does this mean for Verasity & VeraViews?

For VeraViews, powered by PoV, this is a hugely important milestone that enables us to expand our business development activities across several new jurisdictions.

As many of these new jurisdictions are rapidly expanding or emerging ad markets, such as Hong Kong, it’s a step towards becoming the first patented open ledger ad-fraud protection solutions in those markets.

Verasity and VeraViews will continue to seek new patent approvals and filings in multiple jurisdictions now that our solutions are mature and ready for market.

About VeraViews — VeraViews is an open ledger advertising ecosystem built around Verasity’s patented ‘Proof of View’ (PoV) fraud identification technology. With transparent invalid traffic (IVT) tracking for publishers, and auditable campaign statistics for brands, VeraViews is the most powerful and auditable solution for preventing ad fraud. With VeraViews, ads are seen by real people, resulting in a higher campaign ROI% for advertisers and faster payment times for publishers. Never lose money to ad fraud again. Now integrated with Brightcove. Learn more at

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Advertising technology based on open-ledger principles. We have the first patented adtech protocol on the blockchain — VeraViews