Welcome To Verasity: The Future Of Online Video

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5 min readFeb 2, 2018

What is Verasity?

Online video means different things to different people. Whether you’re watching a vlog from Smosh, a documentary from VICE, the latest episode of Stranger Things on Netflix, or a 30-second clip on Facebook, you are consuming one of the most exciting, and booming creative mediums in the world.

The advent of online video sharing platforms and consumer level access to recording and distribution means video consumption and creation has never been more accessible.

Existing platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and Vimeo have propelled video into the mainstream. Despite this, the majority of the value generated by viewers still goes to a small fraction of top-tier creators, the video platforms, and corporations rather than being fairly distributed to all participants in the platforms. These issues aren’t getting any better either. Each day, there are new middlemen taking their cut out of the platform and higher expectations of quality from viewers.

Verasity is a suite of blockchain enhanced video platform technologies designed to supercharge the online video ecosystem by enabling a direct and transparent relationship between viewers, content creators and advertisers.

Verasity’s high performance blockchain enables a transparent economy powered by a new micropayment capable token called VERA (VRA), as well as the ability to eliminate fake advertising and content views with patent pending Proof-of-View (PoV™) technology.

What are the key features of Verasity?

Get paid to watch videos

One of the biggest benefits for viewers is that once they’ve signed up and created their Verasity wallet, they will be able to earn VERA by simply watching videos. Likewise, advertising on Verasity will be strictly opt-in for the viewer, if users choose to watch adverts they will directly receive payment from the advertiser as an appreciation of their attention.

Next-generation video player

Verasity’s custom-built HTML5 video player runs on centralized servers but manages to substantially reduce operating costs. This means creators/publishers won’t have their payments reduced to cover large platform costs. At the same time, viewers will be getting the best possible playback experience without suffering all the inherent problems of using peer-to-peer technology (P2P) to stream content from an extensive video library.

VeraPlayer™ has been in development for 4 years. It is working, and more importantly, has been proven to work at scale, powering 8 PetaBytes of video data every month. Verasity’s player will also feature an in-built wallet that facilitates simple and secure payments between viewers and creators.

Content monetization

The Verasity platform will utilize the VERA token, which will run on Verasity’s own Blockchain. This payment system will enable direct value exchange between viewers and content creators/publishers.

Creators and publishers will have access to more unified monetization options than on any other existing video platform. The funding model is set on a per video basis and rules can be put in place for groups of videos, channels, or for users with certain opt-in features enabled.

On Verasity we don’t believe there’s a one-size fits all model, in fact, it’s up to individual creators/publishers and viewers to decide how they wish to support each other.

Funding models include:

  1. Free-to-view with optional donation. Creators receive individual VERA donations from viewers who enjoy their content;
  2. Pay-per-view (TVOD). Creators set a rate of VERA that each viewer will pay to unlock a video — users will be able to receive a short preview of the content before paying;
  3. Monthly subscription (SVOD). Creators charge a monthly VERA fee for their viewers to access their paid content. This could either be used to access exclusive “VIP only content” or as an alternative to SVOD video;
  4. Advertising (AVOD). Ads are entirely optional for viewers. However, watching advertising allows users to earn VERA which they can in turn pay creators with.

Innovative Content Uploading System

With increasingly lower barriers to entry, existing platforms are buckling under an ever-increasing amount of poor-quality content. Low-quality content takes money out of the pockets of creators by inflating platform storage costs and makes it harder for viewers to find good quality content.

Verasity will operate an upload system where creators have an initial upload limit. If they are under their upload limit it’s free to upload content and when they go over their upload limit they have to pay to upload using VERA.

Upload limits increase based on global platform usage, as well as other incentives to help grow the community and ecosystem as a whole. Each creator will also increase their upload limit based on their individual channel performance.

The aim is not to penalise those who are adding value to the ecosystem or to create a pure pay-to-upload system. Creators/publishers who add value will receive VERA through all of the monetization models above, can earn VERA just by watching videos themselves, simply wait until their upload limit increases, or buy VERA so they can buy more upload credits.

On the other hand, users who want to spam the platform with low-quality content, which receives no views, will find themselves needing to pay to upload.

Channel Stake Marketplace

The Verasity platform will provide a Channel Stake Marketplace for stakes in content channels. This will enable content creators/publishers to finance additional growth and development of their content.

Creators/publishers can sell a part in their channel to VERA holders at a price set by the creator/publisher. The participation in the channel will provide the same % share of future earnings back to stakeholders in the channel. Stakeholders in a channel will then be able to sell their stake back on the Channel Stake Marketplace

The current market value of a stake will be calculated by a Verasity algorithm that takes into account verified views of the content, the revenue stream of the channel, the recommendation engine and other key parameters.

Spark Marketplace is presently not planned to be available to VERA token-holders in the US and certain other jurisdictions where it is restricted by law.

Join our community:

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Website: https://verasity.io
Telegram: http://t.me/verasitychat
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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/verasity
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/verasity

Verasity is a leading video platform providing unique Rewarded Player Technology to major publishers across the globe.

Our patent pending Rewards-as-a-Service (RaaS) Player enables VRA rewards, monetization and loyalty schemes within the player wallet. Our player technology is already available to 280,000 publishers with 240 million users and 50 billion monthly views. This brings engagement, audiences and revenues back to publisher sites. Our attention-based model creates a thriving VRA token economy between viewers, publishers and advertisers.

Verasity is the future of online video — Reach, Reward, Retain.




Advertising technology based on open-ledger principles. We have the first patented adtech protocol on the blockchain — VeraViews