Why Personalisation Can Be A Good Thing

Published in
3 min readJun 6, 2018

Personalisation has a bad name these days. We’ve got companies like social networks wanting to know what you had for dinner last night and taxi apps are pretty keen to know exactly where you are at all times. Our personal data is being hoovered up like never before and companies are making billions off our personal demographic information. Slowly but surely people are waking up to the idea that all these free services they’ve been using aren’t so free after all and you’ve been paying with your data each month.

Your age, gender, location, purchase history, and interests are valuable information. However… aside from making money for advertisers, your data also helps tailor what you see on the internet.

Depending on how old you are you might remember a time before the internet existed. Even after the Dotcom boom, online advertising wasn’t exactly very good. If you were an 18-year-old woman the likelihood is you’d still probably be seeing a lot of online ads for penis enlargement, nappies and dentures…

Fast forward to 2018, and whilst advertisers have a lot more data about you they’re actually able to make sure you see what’s relevant. So instead of penis enlargement, nappies and dentures that 18-year woman might now be seeing online ads for Red Bull, Coachella, and YEEZY. In an Adlucent study, 71% of participants said they would prefer ads that are tailored to their personalized interests and shopping habits.

By giving over a reasonable amount of data we can reduce the amount of irrelevant advertising we see, discover new products we actually might want, make online shopping easier and faster, reduce the costs of products as the more effective marketing a company can do the lower their costs, and use platforms such as Spotify, LinkedIn, Instagram etc. for free.

Personalisation on Verasity

Verasity is all about choice and you’re going to get to make a few key decisions:

  1. Whether you even see advertising on Verasity
  2. How much data you want to share with advertisers

If you decide not to watch ads then you won’t see them. Simple. If you switch them on you’ll get paid by advertisers for your attention in VERA cryptocurrency.

Let’s say however you switch ads on but don’t want to share your demographic data, you’ll still get rewarded in VERA but you’ll just receive less as advertisers won’t be able to match their campaigns to you with a great deal of certainty and the adverts you do see won’t be as relevant to you.

If you choose to receive targeted advertising and share your demographic information you’ll get paid more as your data is worth more to advertisers and what you see will be a lot more relevant to what you actually want to see.

Either way, the choice is entirely up to you on Verasity!

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Verasity is a leading video platform providing unique Rewarded Player Technology to major publishers across the globe.

Our patent pending Rewards-as-a-Service (RaaS) Player enables VRA rewards, monetization and loyalty schemes within the player wallet. Our player technology is already available to 280,000 publishers with 240 million users and 50 billion monthly views. This brings engagement, audiences and revenues back to publisher sites. Our attention-based model creates a thriving VRA token economy between viewers, publishers and advertisers.

Verasity is the future of online video — Reach, Reward, Retain.




Advertising technology based on open-ledger principles. We have the first patented adtech protocol on the blockchain — VeraViews