Withdrawing VRA from VeraWallet

Published in
4 min readOct 26, 2020

Withdrawing VRA

To withdraw VRA, you must have VRA in your Main Wallet. Click your main wallet in the “My wallets” tab.

Click “Withdraw”

You can only withdraw VRA to a personal ERC20 wallet address or a dedicated VRA wallet address on any of these exchanges. Sending VRA to other types of wallets or addresses can result in permanent loss of your VRA. Click “Continue”.

On this screen you can see your full balance by clicking on the “eye” icon or by clicking on the balance to populate the first field.

Or enter the amount you wish to withdraw. This amount cannot be greater than the balance available in your “Main wallet”.

Then enter the wallet address of the recipient you wish to send VRA to.

Please note: Withdrawals can take up to 24 hours or longer on weekends. During this time, you can choose to cancel the withdrawal.

Click “Withdraw”.

Before you withdraw, this screen will confirm the VRA amount you are withdrawing and details of the withdrawal, including the withdrawal fee and the final amount sent. If the information is correct, click “Confirm withdrawal”.

You will then see a success screen.

Withdrawals take some time because there are security procedures to ensure the safety of your tokens. In addition, once the tokens are sent, it can take time for the transfer to be confirmed on the Ethereum network. During the time it takes for Verasity to send the tokens, and before they are being transferred on the Ethereum network, you can choose to cancel the withdrawal.

If you desire to cancel the withdrawal, the Main Wallet screen will show the transfer as “Pending” and there is an option to “Cancel withdrawal”.

Finally, there is an option to use “automated withdrawals” on the Withdraw screen. This can speed up withdrawals. Check the checkbox and click “Continue” on the attention screen.

About Verasity

Verasity.io is a protocol and product layer platform for esports and video entertainment. Verasity’s mission is to significantly increase engagement and monetization for video publishers on any video platform. Verasity products include: a proprietary ad stack and the VRA Rewards System integrated into SDKs for YouTube, Twitch, Vimeo and all major video platforms. Verasity’s patented Proof of View, a protocol layer technology offers transparency and immutability to defeat online ad fraud and NFT fraud.


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📈 Find where VRA (ticker) is trading on CoinMarketCap

VRA can be staked for 25.55% annual interest at https://verawallet.tv.

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