Qian Chen
Verbal Communication
2 min readFeb 28, 2018


Different forms of communication:

· verbal (sounds, language, and tone of voice)

· aural (listening and hearing)

· non-verbal (facial expressions, body language, and posture)

· written (journals, emails, blogs, and text messages)

· visual (signs, symbols, and pictures)

Summary of Article:

Every form of communication is important; we use all of them in our daily life. It is necessary to develop those skills, because we need to be able to interpret information for others and interpret the information that we receive. According to the article, communication skills are ranked first among a job candidate’s must have skills and qualities, according to a 2010 survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers. To an employer, good communication skills are essential, employees that have good communication skills are more likely to get promoted.

According to the article, by learning other peoples style of communication is also important and know when to share your ideas at the right time. Non-verbal communication is also very crucial, because people expect good eye contacts, posture, and active listening. Our own personal communication skills also identify our personality, self-advocacy, and self-determination. Lastly, make sure that when you communicate with the other person you are aware who your audience is and that there is a clear purpose.

Reflection on the article:

I agree with all the statement that the article have made. By having good communication skills will certainly help you in all aspects in life, especially in the work force. We have to be able to communicate to different kind of people that have different style of communication skills. Also we have to take their cultural background into consideration during the communication.

People that have good communication skills are tend to be more successful in life. I also think that written communication also plays a huge part, because it is necessary for writing emails and letters; either in school or at work. Moreover, having purpose and being clear on what we are communicating is crucial because we don’t want misunderstanding to occur.

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