Qian Chen
Verbal Communication
2 min readMar 1, 2018


Mock Interviews with professors and classmates:

In order to improve you have to practice constantly. Not just verbal communication but nonverbal ones as well. I did a practice video interview last semester in MGG and it was really hard to watch myself on the camera and listen to it. The interview certainly helped because I feel more comfortable doing video interviews now. Those assignments had forced us to do additional practice which is good for us in the long run. I am hoping to have the opportunity to practice with a professor before my next big interview because I believe they can provide me with some effective feedbacks. On top of that I would also do some additional practice with my peers as well.

What techniques did I learn?

I learned that it is very helpful when you prepare for the popular interview questions ahead of time. There are always surprise questions that you are not prepared for. When the interview asked how did I resolve the problem when group members don’t get along, I paused for a moment. The reason was because I didn’t prepare the answer ahead of time. So then after the interview I looked up common interview questions to prepare myself for the next coming up interview.

Looking at myself in the camera and listening to myself talk was wierd. Now I know what I look like to the interviewer. I hope to improve on this. Also, it is better for us to introduce ourselves first before they come to us. It shows that we are really interested in the company. Even though they come to the campus to recruit, the students are the ones that have to seek them out.

How will I use my new techniques in my next communication?

Now I know what I look like to the interviewer, so for the next one I will focus more on my smile, voice, and posture. I will make sure that I say both of my first and last name when I introduce my self and give the recruiter a very firm handshake. Those non-verbal communications would improve my first impression and hopefully get offered a position. If I can get a position before I graduate in accounting I will be really happy. A lot of accounting students have jobs before they graduate. I know that there are lot more recruiters that will be coming to campus this semester, which will give me more opportunities to practice my communication skills.

