Reacting to another blogger’s post

Qian Chen
Verbal Communication
2 min readMar 5, 2018


The blog that I will be summarizing and paraphrasing is written by Nichole Elizabeth, it is about a product manager communication survival guide. According to Nichole, Product manager is the one that does the most communication in businesses, because they have to exchange ideas, conduct collaborative brainstorming sessions, and the main idea gets to the right person and place. They would have to go through the whole process daily and rephrasing the same information many times for different people so they can understand it. Like the customers would need a different explanation than the CEO of the company, because they have different backgrounds.


According to Nichole, as a PM you need to understand how people tend to act on this information. If you just radiate information, hoping they’ll pick up on the details they need, they’ll always ask you for another version of it, (Elizabeth, 2016). Product managers have to pay close attention to people’s reaction and their historical backgrounds in order to know how to communicate to the person in a effective way.

“I’m forever annoying product managers by pointing to their roadmap items and asking: ‘What’s the goal — the outcome for this thing? And how will you know you’ve succeeded? What evidence do you need to see?’ (Elizabeth, 2016). That just proved the point that being clear during communications is very important, it saves time and confusion. According to Nichole, day-to-day communication with your team (and other teams) is the beating heart of your business, (Elizabeth, 2016).


Nichole’s blog has many supportive thoughts and points regarding the importance of communication for product manager. It is not just importance for the product managers, it is importance for all employees to have good communication skills. In that case everything would be done more smoothly and faster in speed, overall more productive.

I agree with the fact that the product manager is the juggler of all corporations, because they have to communicate with different individuals on their daily basis. Which requires a high level of communication skill, because they have to make sure all the individuals that he talked to know what he is saying I really like how she uses many quotes from customers and other sources to back up her thoughts and arguments.

