Qian Chen
Verbal Communication
2 min readFeb 21, 2018


Reseach Topic: Verbal Communication

The skill that I am planning on research is Verbal Communication. Being to communicate fluently with clients and professionals is a very important skill because it is a skill that you need to use on your daily basis in the work force. Either for negotiation, interview, meetings, and speeches, verbal communication will always come into play. People that would find this research helpful would include students, CEO, CFO, managers, and teachers. This research would benefit them because they have to use verbal communication everyday at work or school. The way we talk we talk to our professors, recruiters, and boss could directly effect our future and career. Moreover, in many interpersonal encounters, the first few minutes are extremely important as first impressions have a significant impact on the success of further communication. Effective verbal or spoken communication is dependent on a number of factors and cannot be fully isolated from other important interpersonal skills such as listening skills and clarification.

Questions that I would like to be answered:

There are several questions that I would like to answer through my research.

· Does verbal communication directly relate to how you build your relationship with the other individual.

· Does verbal communication overpowers the other soft skills?

· Do you use different style of verbal communication in when talking to people?


My main goal for this project is for myself to improve on my professional verbal communication skills. In order to reach my goal, I have to incorporate daily practice with peers and professionals that are visiting on campus. I will measure my progress by recording myself on my phone for practice, so I can see my own progress. I will also practice with my friends to keep record of my progress, and ask them for advice and suggestions to improve.


· Peer practice

· Networking with professionals at events

· Practice interview at Career Resource Center

· Recording ourselves on our phone or laptop

· Asking professors and business professionals for additional advice

