Qian Chen
Verbal Communication
2 min readMar 2, 2018


Secondary Source: Classmate Blog (Blake Anderson)


Blake speaks about how we are not all experts at communication and that it is so important. Blake said “Many people, especially younger millenial’s are so used to communicating over social media mediums such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat.” (Anderson, 2018). According to Blake, “communication is a skill that everyone can benefit from it, does not matter your age or gender it is a skill that many overlook.” (Anderson, 2018).


Communication happens ever day but in the corporate world a lot of people have problems with it. Part of the reason why is because a lot of people now use social media to communicate instead of actually talking to real people. Communication is important for every person because people need to understand what you are saying and what is your message.

Blake have mentioned that he have difficulty sometimes with communication and I have that problem too. It is so important to make sure that people understand your message. Blake want to learn more about communication so he is ready for all situations like talking to people of different status. He is also doing the project to help others learn more about communication. I like that. He also talks about research to help with communication.


The main idea of Blake’s blog is to convey the importance of communication skills and how to use it properly. He touched on how in today’s society younger generations are communicating on social media rather than in person. Which allows people to practice formal and informal communications. According to Blake, it is important for us to know how to communicate information properly and minimize misinterpretation.

In his blog he had mentioned how he himself had struggled to address a message once. Something that makes since to you doesn’t mean it makes since to the person that you are talking to. Lastly, Blake had mentioned his plans to improve on the skill, by reading other blogs and researching different writing styles.

