Six Places Where to Sell eBooks

Yashu Mittal
Verbals — For Readers & Writers
5 min readDec 21, 2016
Digital Paper — Where to sell?

The beauty of eBook sales is that all it takes is a link — a single link to cash in on sales from anywhere. And you don’t have to sell from one single place. In this article, we’ve laid out six of the most lucrative places to sell your eBook.

Your goal is sales. Therefore, put on your pragmatic face, and sell everywhere you possibly can.

Each of these platforms has something in common — they’re social (with the possible exception of number 6). Most entrepreneur oriented start-ups can’t pony up several thousand in web dev, so they dive into the closest opportunity they can — the free marketplace made up of their warmest sales leads. In other words, they go to the social media world. There’s nothing but a sheer logic that backs up this approach.

Here’s where you need to be selling:

1. Instagram

Instagram is not just a place for twenty-somethings to post pictures of your eBook, cover page, author image and much more. Instagram’s viral potential, insane popularity, and the image-based platform is perfect for sales of any kind. Any kind?

As a sales platform, Instagram is perfect because people love images, look at images, engage with images, and share images. That’s social selling at its best.

You don’t need millions of followers to use Instagram to successfully sell. You just need your mobile phone camera and an Instagram account. By adding your sales link in your Instagram profile, you’ll start feeding your eBook sales increase with a fresh influx of eager customers.

Take pictures. Start selling. Instagram is a marketing platform you shouldn’t be skipping.

2. YouTube

On the subject of pictures and videos, it’s hard to ignore YouTube. YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine and the 3rd most visited website. People aren’t just looking for kitten videos, either. They’re looking for advice, self-help, comfort, entertainment, and maybe even some good deals. YouTube is perfect for showcasing the capabilities of their eBooks.

From their YouTube page, an interested customer can move to purchase the product within a single click, drastically shortening the conversion funnel and increasing sales.

Since these sell links are paired with the stunning visual showcase of the product’s capabilities, it is the perfect placement for a sale.

3. Facebook

Facebook is synonymous with social media. As the goliath of the social industry, there’s every reason in the world to taking your commerce to the masses of the Facebook world.

Facebook is primed and ready for digital peddlers to cut deals and boost sales. By posting offers, links, images, and pinned posts you can modify the approach to best suit your product and/or audience.

Since it is the biggest and most profitable social platform, Facebook offers myriad ways to get your product in front of the right people. Keep in mind, however, that your best allies for Facebook victory are insanely pleased customers and your plodding consistency on working for the crowds and posting great content.

Customers are directed to a simple sales page on Digital Paper. A little organic socializing always helps.

4. Twitter

In the one second, it took you to read this phrase, more than 5,700 tweets were sent. At the time of this writing, there were over 230 million Twitter users. In Twitter’s 7.5 years of life, there have been 300 billion total tweets. There’s a whole lot of communication going on in on the Twitter.

Before you dismiss Twitter as being too ephemeral, think #hashtag. Hashtags are an enduring trait of our digital society. And there’s no greater place to explore the expansive empire of hash tagging than Twitter — the veritable granddaddy of hashtags. Hashtags are the secret to your digital sales enterprise on Twitter. Through strategic admixture of popular and unique hashtags, you can get your products trending… and selling. Twitter marketing changes things on the bottom line.

Campaigns are cool, but there is also a lot to be said for the consistent, steady, and faithful transmission of tweets, follows, favourites, and shoutouts. Being awesome on Twitter is about playing the game according to the rules — written and otherwise — and making sure that you keep playing.

5. E-Mail

Email is still one of the most chosen marketing tools in your digital sales toolbox. The better your email list, the better you’ll be doing in the world of email marketing. That’s not to say it’s an easy world where the sales just pour in with little effort. In fact, in the same study cited above nearly two-thirds of all email recipients hit the “spam” button merely when they whiff a sales subject line.

Whether you choose to go for the hard sell in your email or not is up to you, but you can’t argue with the potential of bigger digital sales via email.

As a digital salesperson, you’re in a unique position to use the email to its maximum. You can easily offer digital freebies to build your mailing list. And then once you’ve got it, you can start to make a sale.

Digital sales have a leg up on the email technique, so it’s probably time for you to get going on it.

6. Your own Web page

I didn’t call this a “website,” because I didn’t want you to get the wrong idea here. Call it what you want — landing pages, sales page, blog, website. Who cares. The point is, you can drive a whole lot of sales by just having a presence on the Internet of your very own. If you’re limited by budget, time, or technical expertise, don’t sweat it. A simple and unspectacular website will still improve conversions more than having none at all.

Just page the link on your website to redirect to Digital Pape where the transaction is finalized.

For the vast majority of digital salespersons, there is always the possibility of selling more. What it requires is something far simpler and accessible — being there, being present, and being active.

Chances are, you’re not trying to sell your product to the world as a whole. You’re selling to a group of people. As you find and integrate with that group on the appropriate channels, you’ll discover a new world of potential customers and better sales.

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