Tax Neutral: A Moral Solution For The Unvaxxed Who Are Tired Of Paying For Their Own Abuse

The gold standard in non-violent resistance applicable in almost any situation where the government oversteps its authority.

Anthony Mountjoy
Verboten Publishing
7 min readJan 2, 2022


Remember, it’s not enough to reduce your tax burden, you also have to increase your production. Especially the production of untaxable “device”. Books, music, skills, etc. Anything you make which can’t be taxed takes away market share from the corporatists and depletes the tax base for their political cronies.

UPDATE: January 23, 2024, Federal Courts rule Emergency Act should not have been invoked and that it led to violation of Charter Rights!

As a newly anointed second class citizen I’ve come to realize a few things. My personal goals in life were always secondary to the government’s goals for me. I was only allowed to pursue my interests so long as they didn’t become too inconvenient for the ruling corporate class and their bought off political cronies. Even worse are the true believers because they aren’t even bought off, they’ve just been trained to think the collectivist corporate approach to economics is the best one. Mostly because it’s all they’ve ever known. Economy of scale has so completely inflated their expectations of return that innovation reads like a waste of time in comparison. It’s all about the jobs and the voting bloc those industries facilitate. More recruits for the army of directionless labour put to better purpose by the all knowing experts. True pioneering capitalism is just some theory in a book to these puritan zealots. Moderates because they moderate(verb), not because they’re moderate(noun).

UPDATE: Now that the unvaxxed are no-longer eligible for Employment Insurance in Canada I assume the unvaxxed don’t have to pay into it anymore and can expect the money they’ve already paid into it back? Or is the government just stealing peoples’ money now? If the government can take your EI benefits which YOU paid for then they can take your RRSP. If they can take your RRSP they can take any of your property. Your car…. your house… your bank account… when does this stop? When did the government start thinking it owns the people rather than the other way around?

The day the vaccine passports reached our once free Canada I understood freedom was just a privilege, not a right. Informed consent, adults assuming their own risks, private businesses determining their own operating protocols was all just lip service. A misdirection designed to keep dangerous free thinkers occupied while the corporations, most notably the publicly traded companies extract all the resources even as they block opportunity for sole proprietors, small group partnerships, and other free enterprises not trying to get rich on some stock exchange. Ask any politician why sole proprietors pay a higher tax rate than incorporated businesses and watch them flounder with vague non-answers. We all know the truth now. It’s to force them into incorporation the moment they start making real money because in the end individuals were always just the test beds for ideas traders would ultimately copy and control. This is what they really mean by global economy.

Well I’ve thought long and hard about how to deal with this. Having run my own business for decades, since I was 19, several years as a sole proprietor and then as an incorporated business when I started making more money. I watched as control over my own enterprise slipped away and eventually was destroyed when I didn’t play ball. I was offered all manner of incentive to play the game their way, easy long term contracts. Special terms, but stubborn, inconvenient me, just wouldn’t kneel, and the tax system was used to wash me out. I learned a lot from the frequent audits and abuse. I learned how the “system” works from the inside out. How your own assets, your own production can be used against you as leverage to force you to do what they want. I took steps to protect myself. Diversified. Made sacrifices. Relied more on untaxable “device” and compounding value through re-purposing within pre-market operations rather than sales. Stepped just beyond their reach, too small to bother with, yet too visible to ignore,

So when the passports came into effect, just a few months after our elected officials swore up and down they’d never approve them… and I saw what little market access remained to me disappear. I made a decision most couldn’t make even if they wanted to. I accelerated by plans to get rid of my phone, my internet, my natural gas furnace, and my power service. I own my building, so I rewired it to solar and battery. I use the library now for WIFI, I paid into it for years with my taxes so I may as well finally use it, and email rather than phone. But I didn’t stop there. I pulled out of the public markets almost entirely. No stock, no sales. I resolved to do gig work well under the minimum taxable income which was now possible because I have no rent, or utility costs beyond water which costs almost nothing and goes to the municipality along with my municipal property taxes. (I don’t mind paying taxes to my town. They aren’t the ones overstepping their authority… yet.)

Since I’m not allowed to go into many stores I used to frequent I don’t spend as much money on nonsense. Which means I don’t contribute much PST or GST any more. No power bill means no Carbon Tax, no mysterious “surcharges”. Which brings me to the point of this article. Ironically, I’m a green guy, I love tech and doing more with less, but I don’t like compelled action, so when the Federal Carbon Tax ballooned my power bill, the end was near. Not only were days of paying any power bill numbered, it inspired an idea that would soon unlock further satisfaction in my quest to deprive the provincial and federal governments of any of my money.

If carbon neutral can be achieved in principle by paying for the pollution generated with the power I use then can I not also achieve tax neutral by forcing the government to spend what little money they’ve managed to collect from me in spite of all my efforts to reduce expenditures? With the punitive carbon tax, one is still polluting, but by offsetting that pollution by paying for it this is accepted as carbon neutral.

So logically, I can achieve a tax neutral state, and starve this malignant government which has overstepped its authority into my personal and professional life, by a combination of reducing the PST(provincial) and GST(federal) taxes I spend to a level I can then force the government to spent pointlessly thus in effect depriving them of all the tax revenue I paid in the first place. And all of this is possible in a perfectly legal manner that turns their impersonal bureaucratic machine against them. Protests are fun, but this is way safer, and tastier. The smug grin on my face every time I think about it makes it all worth while.

So I start with the social media these narcissistic politicians love so much. You see the law in Canada says that anything written to an elected official in any official form, including paper letter, or electronic post on official accounts on any public platform eg. Linkedin, Facebook, even email has to be read and archived by an actual human(if we can still call bureaucrats human) being paid a wage. They aren’t allowed to automate it. That means every time you write a letter to a member of the government, and you are free to write as many and to as many as you want, they HAVE TO SPEND MONEY processing it. It doesn’t even matter what you say. It could be the recipe for a cake you think they’d like. It could be your thoughts on the weather. Just don’t threaten anybody and you’ll be fine. Ask questions. Be polite, be curious, be everything you wish they were, but aren’t.

And now that so many government venues and regulated non-essential businesses require a vaccine passport we dirty unvaxxed minority who refuse to kneel to abusive authority are free to walk in and waste the government employees’ paid time being asked for a passport we know we don’t have and then simply leaving without incident. It’s not against the law to waste someone’s time. If it were then every politician in the country would be in jail right now. It’s not against the law to waste public money, if it were then every bureaucrat would be in jail right now. They may not like it, but we still barely free citizens have every right to waste their tax payer funded time. Write a letter, force them to engage you. Anything where a real human is being paid to deal with you.

If our fellow tax payers don’t like it, too bad, it’s our money. I don’t like being a second class citizen in my own country. THEY did this to me and so many others. THEY took away my freedom against my will and against the basic principles of a free society while shoveling wheel barrels full of money into big pharma’s bank accounts all while ignoring the demand for improving capacity at our health care facilities. Then use that lack of capacity as an endless excuse to oppress private decision making for the “greater good” of not overwhelming the healthcare system. They refuse to give nurses raises, or even danger pay, or loan forgiveness for nursing students, and then have the audacity to fire nurses who worked a year without any vaccine options the moment they don’t bend the knee, too.

We pay our taxes even as we’re denied access to publicly regulated facilities we help pay for. They already took care of reducing our taxable income by forcing us out of the market opportunities saved for the obedient. So just start counting the dollars you’ve had no choice but to pay your government for necessities. Save those grocery bills; tally up the PST we didn’t used to have to pay on milk. Add up that “temporary” GST going on how many decades( and counting); add up what they owe you. Then go make them spend it on YOU. You’ll sleep better knowing if nothing else you aren’t giving them the money they need to abuse you by achieving the gold standard of non-violent resistance I call tax neutral.



Anthony Mountjoy
Verboten Publishing

I program and write music at my Mountjoy Music Studio in Yorkton, SK. | Programmer. Musician. Writer. |