The Tractatus Trap

A picture of truth is always something less or more than.

Anthony Mountjoy
Verboten Publishing


Tractatus is a picture of truth or a treatise. This is a picture of Tractatus de maleficiis (Treatise on Evil Deeds - Angelo Gambiglioni, 1460).

I call it the Tractatus Trap. A tractatus is a picture of truth in the Wittgenstein sense (see Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus — Ludwig Wittgenstein, 1922). A geometric form of symbolic coordination making sense of the senseless even as it denies its own reality. A machine’s mind quartering the appearance because it can’t understand the…



Anthony Mountjoy
Verboten Publishing

I program and write music at my Mountjoy Music Studio in Yorkton, SK. | Programmer. Musician. Writer. |