The new Docker image for Verdaccio 4

Juan Picado
Published in
1 min readMay 13, 2019

Docker has been a key part of success for Verdaccio. At the time of this writing, we have more than 4 million image pulls and this number is growing rapidly. The image provides an easy way to use Verdaccio in combination with tools like Kubernetes, Docker Compose or any other container orchestration system, simplifying deployment and integration with existing infrastructure.

This article will describe what has changed, all the improvements and benefits you will enjoy from migrating to the latest version.

Read more in our blog.



Juan Picado

I maintain @verdaccio_npm 📦🔑 • JavaScript Enthusiast • Node.js 🤪 • Front-End Engineer • 👨‍💻 at @ebay • roots /home/.git/🇪🇸🇳🇮