Verdaccio v4.6.0 was rolled out with Dark Mode and Chinese Translation

Juan Picado
Published in
4 min readApr 25, 2020

Verdaccio keeps growing, the latest release tagged as v4.6.0 was just shipped with a new set of features and bug fixes.

The new Dark Mode and possibility to translate the UI both developed by Priscila Oliveira (kudos to her).

The Docker base Node.js image was updated to v12.16.2 .

Dark Mode

To enable dark mode (by default is disabled), just add the following property in your config file, or switch in the UI with the new icon which is persisted in the local storage.

darkMode: true


We added a few basic translations in German, Spanish, Portuguese and English by default.

Furthermore, a contributor added Chinese which is also available on this release, developed by JackyChan

Feel free to add more translations, it is pretty straightforward.

To enable translations on web, just add the following configuration to your config.yaml file.

web: zh-CN

What else?

Verdaccio birthday

The last 15th April Verdaccio turned 4 years, in 2016 Trent Earl created the Verdaccio organization forking the sinopia project, a private registry pioneer.

2019 was a wild year, we have crossed several checkpoints in downloads, usage and contributions. I want to thanks all of you have been part of this project and still are.

Helm and Kubernetes

Verdaccio Helm chart has a new home, our organization. Helm stable chart has been the way to use Verdaccio and Kubernetes. Unfortunately, the repository was deprecated and we decided to move all the code to our organization. If you are still using the old chart, please, update your configuration and take advance the new updates.

$ helm repo add verdaccio
$ helm repo update
$ helm install verdaccio/verdaccio

I want to thanks two amazing contributors which without them this would not be possible (

Feel free to contribute, if you have experience with Helm and Kubernetes don’t hesitate to help us.


As you may know already, Open Source is not fully free, there are humans and services to pay behind off it. Donations help to keep this project running and being promoted. Stickers, servers and some gifts to our major contributors (since we cannot afford pay more than that).

Thanks all of you to make our life easier and for believe on this project, specials kudos to GatsbyJS for consider and support their dependencies.

If you like this project and want to exist for ever, please donate, you won’t regret, starting from 1$ month.

Verdaccio 5 in 2021

This year won’t have a major release. Why?, mainly becase Verdaccio 4 just works. There are a bunch of things to improve, thus, I want to make it right (I’m quoting here Max Stoiber) from a nice advice about Open Source projects last week in React.js meetup online edition.

If you want to contribute, feel free to join us, open discussions or any other relevant topic for this release. Everybody is welcome for contribute.

Next release v4.7.0

Next release will come a new nice feature to switch languages in the UI, feedback is very welcome.

Furthermore, we will ship more translations, French 🇫🇷 and Japanese 🇯🇵which could not be added to this release, but will be very soon !! Thanks for that guys !

OpenJS World 2020

I will have the honor to represent this project in OpenJS World, details are still to be published, keep tuned.



Juan Picado

I maintain @verdaccio_npm 📦🔑 • JavaScript Enthusiast • Node.js 🤪 • Front-End Engineer • 👨‍💻 at @ebay • roots /home/.git/🇪🇸🇳🇮