Verdigris’ New Tracker App: Instantly Revealing Invisible Energy and Equipment Problems

Thomas Chung
Verdigris Tech
Published in
3 min readDec 4, 2015

We are very excited to announce the latest addition to the Verdigris energy intelligence platform: Tracker!

Tracker is the most sophisticated electricity monitoring product on the market today, born out of the frustration of working in day-to-day building operations.

Facilities managers and engineers are walking around their buildings looking for equipment problems. But many of these problems have been developing silently and are invisible to the naked eye until it’s too late. Tracker notifies the right building worker of energy consumption and equipment problems while they are still manageable.

The Tracker mobile notifies users about energy overuse and equipment faults before they impact operations and occupants.

Tracker Setpoints are Customized to Operations Needs

Setpoints are a powerful tool for tracking everything from lights left on overnight to dangerous spikes in energy use on individual equipment. Users customize Tracker to setpoints that are relevant to operations, whether it is energy spend in a region of the building or power thresholds on a single device.

Tracker updates users in real-time when energy use is outside of normal. For example, W Hotel San Francisco used the Verdigris platform to identify usage in their kitchen equipment that added up to thousands of dollars in waste.

Tracker Accurately Predicts Future Energy Use

Tracker delivers highly accurate forecast of future energy use for building engineers to safely shift and shed energy loads during expensive times.Tracker is more accurate than analyzing gross patterns of whole building energy use. Verdigris smart sensors measure energy consumption from circuit breakers, lending deep insight into equipment use.

Tracker Smart algorithms normalize building energy use to weather, temperature, past energy use, day of week and day of year. In early 2016 it will also pull humidity, angle of sun for latitudes and cloud cover for solar radiation or occupancy. Tracker is constantly evolving and learning to give a more accurate picture of building energy use and operations.

Tracker Saves Companies More

Tracker gives remote building management insight into daily operations. It helps management make smart decisions that improve operational efficiency, prevent problems, and reduce occupant complaints. For executives, property managers, and building owners, these operational efficiencies translate directly to the bottom line.

Tracker is Available Now!

For existing Verdigris users, Tracker is included in your subscription.

Does having the most sophisticated electricity monitoring product on the market today sound awesome? Request a demo!

Demo Tracker!



Thomas Chung
Verdigris Tech

Builder, Reader, Idealist, Persister, Runner, Learner, Day Dreamer and Father.