Tim R. Lea
Published in
5 min readAug 30, 2017


We are delighted to announce the launch of the Veredictum Content Certification Platform Demonstration Site.

After slaving away for many hours, burning the candles at all ends and being pumped full of intravenous drips of coca-cola and supplemented with all-night Pizza raves, our awesome Tech team under the watchful eye of Sam Brooks our CTO have released the first demonstration platform of the Veredictum vision.

We have put the demo site together to give you a better idea of our vision for re-thinking film and video distribution in solving the problem of film piracy.

With the demonstration platform our key goals are to :

1. Give you an indication of the future platform features, including content certification, registered content search (“piracy detector” in demo), and mining.

2. To demonstrate our blockchain development capability (using Ethereum).

If, as you journey through the demonstration site, you encounter any problems or issues, simply navigate back to the starting page and refresh your browser, .


Loading the demo site, you are presented with a dashboard landing page. You will see that the user, “Tim Lea” (circled in red) is already logged in. The dashboard shows key features that will be available in the platform in the future.


Let’s walk through the process of ‘certifying’ a piece of creative content. Click on the “Content” navigation link and you will be presented with 3 pieces of content that have already been uploaded .

The latest piece of content “Smart Contracts in 90 Seconds” has been recently uploaded and needs ‘Certification’.

Click on the “Certify” button next to this content — circled in red above.

Let’s go through the process of registering a new piece of content (a video in this case) to our smart contract on the blockchain. You should see the New certificate page below.

Enter in the number of contributors (circled in red above) as “1”, and give a simple description for the video in the content description field (in blue) and click Save and Continue.

Select the team member that will own this piece of content. Notice that the form auto-fills based on the user profile information. Click Save and Continue.

It is at this stage that the content producer would pay to register the content . This payment would be for (a) the steganographic embedding of a unique ID into the video and (2) the smart contract mining fees.

Select the Ventana cryptocurrency (in red) and press “CERTIFY” (in blue) !

Once the CERTIFY button is pressed, a transaction (highlighted in Red below) is sent to a smart contract on the Ethereum test network (called Ropsten) with the “details” of that piece of content including the steganographically-embedded ID within the video.

The transaction ID of the video can be viewed on Etherscan.io by clicking on the link in the red box.

After about 20–30 seconds, the block number will also appear (in the blue box above). By clicking on the link labelled Block Number in the blue box you can obtain confirmation that the transaction has been mined (included in the block number that appears).

The user can now view their “certificate” (orange box), showing what information has been registered to the blockchain. (Note that the steganography ID is not included in this demo certificate — this will be added in future. Also, the QR codes will be generated based off this unique information so they can be used to navigate to a block explorer in the future).

Registered Content Search

Now, if you click on the “Piracy Detector” navigation button at the top of the page, you can configure your newly registered piece of content to have it be included in the search network.

You can see several features including history of pirated content that has been found and configuration options (by clicking the tab in red). By clicking the history tab (orange) you will see the following page

Now that your content has been registered, we can configure the action to be taken when it is found in the search network.

By default, we have 3 available actions on pirated content:

  • issuing a DMCA takedown notice (this will be automated to save the content producer substantial time )
  • issuing a letter of demand
  • or take no action

You also have a number of different options to receive confirmations that content has been found — SMS, email Whatsapp, wechat etc etc

Furthermore, by clicking the Piracy History tab (orange box in the diagram above) you can see your history of pirated content being located


Veredictum want to make the whole mining process as easy as possible for content creators to contribute their surplus computing power and bandwidth in the fight against digital video piracy.

By clicking on the “Mining” navigation button at the top of the website brings us to the online miner. You will see the mining screen, below:

This is completely configurable according to :

  • how much bandwidth you want to make available and
  • when you want to run the mining — overnight, in the background or both

You can also see the estimated Ventana that has been earned through your mining activities, i.e. by making available your surplus computing power and bandwidth.

You can see the demo site live here — so go and play. We’d love your feedback — you can contact us here



Tim R. Lea

#Author of #DownTheRabbitHole #Blockchain #Evangelist #Entrepreneur creating #software platform protecting #film #video #producers from #piracy #freebooting.