We are delighted to release the Veredictum Video Digital Fingerprinting Demonstration Site.

Tim Lea
Published in
4 min readAug 31, 2017

Digitally fingerprinting video-based content is one of our core value propositions. In order to show how this works we have taken our advertisement video and enabling you to see how the fingerprinting will work in practice. Check out the demo site here (you might want to have this page open at the same time — just in case — it will give you an easier understanding of the process — as it hasn’t been through UX/UI design yet)

This video is already in our demo site ready for you to encode. If you wanted to check the original video you can click on the “Download Original” Button in the demo site.

Piracy goes live

We have spoken to filmmakers in India and and China who are very frustrated by the fact that people are carrying out live piracy within the cinema itself. This demo gives you an idea of how our technology could identify both the cinema and and the session time associated with a given video file. This would enable content producers to identify the bad performing cinemas and condition their behaviour — for example if they don’t have people watching out for people videoing the screen they might not be given the next franchise movie of Bollywood blockbuster.

Stage 1 — encoding the file

In our demo example below, you can encode the video file with the cinema number and the session time of the video file — highlighted in red below. Now whilst this has been produced as a proof of concept for cinema chains and film distributors, this could be coded with anything you wanted it to be — e.g. a dedicated marketing channel for your video — for example:

  • it might be a video you have designed specifically for one website and the video may finish up in someone else’s website — you can identify where the video has come from
  • or from a sales or marketing video — it might be designed for twitter, facebook or Youtube and finishes up in a website outside of the major Social Media Channels. You can see which channel it has come from. As an advertiser or agency you can get greater line of sight of how your videos are performing.

If you encode the file, you will see the file has been encoded and now you can download the file by hitting the download button that appears — as seen in the orange box, below.

Stage 2 — detecting the encoded file

Once you download the encoded file, you can then run it through the detector to check the digital fingerprint.

  • Locate the file you have just encoded and downloaded by hitting the select video to detect are in the red box and hit the detect button.
  • Once the file is processed the fingerprint is detected that shows the cinema and time of session as shown below…

Again, this could be programmed for almost whatever requirements you may have as a content producer.

Comparing versions

In order for you to validate that the encoded version is different to the original file we have given a second detector panel so you can download the original file (in yellow box) and use the detector on the right to compare results

In the full version of our platform, the search and detection would be automated, where the nodes on our decentralised platform would hunt for registered content.

We’d love your feedback. Please feel free to contact us here .

If this is interesting technology for you, we’d love to hear from you to see if you would like to become a beta tester for us.

You still have time to help us make this a reality by getting in touch to be a node in our decentralised system or to get behind the technology and getting behind our tokensale today



Tim Lea

Blockchain Entrepreneur & Evangelist | Author of Plain English Blockchain Book Down The Rabbit Hole | International Speaker | Cryptocurrency & ICO Investor