Expand Your Global Reach with Multilingual Solutions

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4 min readJun 1, 2022

The proliferation of Web2 has broken down many borders when it comes to accessing internet-based services, and this trend is being taken even further with Web3.

People from all over the world can access Web3 services — but face a barrier when it comes to user experience because of the languages used on most platforms. There is currently a major lack of support for languages other than English when it comes to Web3 (and in particular NFT marketplaces). And if you don’t speak it — well, tough.

Although English is a popular language, it’s the native language of only 25% of the 4.5 billion internet users. All the sophisticated add-ons in the world are useless if your customer base can’t understand what you’re offering

As an enterprise-grade whitelabel NFT platform, useful customisation sits at the heart of VereNFT. That’s why we offer multilingual solutions: to support our philosophy of total customisation and user experience remaining core to our offering, VereNFT will support any partner that chooses to build their NFT platform with us to translate their marketplace into any language — or even multiple language, if that’s what they need.

VereNFT’s Multilingual Solution

VereNFT’s modern unicode support gives our partners complete flexibility to offer whatever language their customers might need. Clients just have to provide the copy for the site and any NFTs they wish to list in their selected language, and we’ll do the rest. The whole platform — including the minting page — can be translated — including the minting page — or businesses can just choose to translate specific pages, if they prefer. The choice is theirs.

In addition to translation, VereNFT also supports localisation — including date formats, time zones and currency options. When it comes to making your client feel at home when they visit your marketplace, the devil’s in the details — and we’ve thought of everything.

Businesses can also offer their clients multiple language options via a drop-down list in the header or footer of the marketplace’s website (on both desktop and mobile).

Multilingual Solutions Increase Revenue

Research around the benefits that multilingual solutions can have for businesses proves its value: 29% of businesses say they’ve lost customers because they don’t offer multilingual support. Over a third of users say they’d be willing to switch products to one that offers support in their native tongue. And with only 28% of end users reporting they’ve actually seen support offered in their native language, the potential for competitive differentiation is huge.

Benefits of a Multilingual NFT Marketplace

Reach more target customers

It’s simple: the more people that can access your platform, the more potential customers you have. If only English speakers can use your platform, your customers base is limited.

But what if Spanish speakers, Chinese speakers and Arabic speakers could all use your platform, too? Think how many more potential buyers your NFT platform would be open to.

What’s more, simply the fact that you’ve gone out of your way to make your platform accessible will speak volumes to your customers, showing them that you value them; that they matter to you — meaning that even if they can understand English, they’d be more inclined to buy NFTs from your platform than from a competitor.

Increase customer satisfaction

Localising your NFT marketplace will further demonstrate your commitment to your customers. In not only addressing their needs but also their wants — what makes them feel comfortable — you will create a marketplace that feels like “home” to them — meaning they are far more likely to buy your NFTs.

From user manuals to payment methods and even customer support, localising all parts of the customer journey will help drive your customer to making a purchase. It will also gain their trust, which is essential to brand loyalty.

Support an inclusive Web3

One of the biggest benefits of NFTs is that they help to overcome inequality. In this new universe of digital assets that can be bought and sold anywhere in the world, NFTs remove the geographical barriers inherent within the current economy.

But usability is as important as accessibility. If NFT platforms are only usable by English speakers, then their accessibility is redundant.

Multilingual solutions help ensure that NFTs truly are accessible and inclusive, ensuring that their potential of removing geographical barriers is realised.

Start your journey by creating your own NFT marketplace with VereNFT

VereNFT is an enterprise-grade whitelabel NFT platform that supports established businesses in the creation of their own NFT strategies. To start your own NFT journey, book a demo with us at info@verenft.io, or subscribe to our newsletter.

About VereNFT

VereNFT is an enterprise-grade whitelabel NFT platform that enables and supports businesses in creating their own bespoke NFT marketplace, offering customisable bolt-ons including AML/KYC, crypto and fiat payment gateways and world-leading marketing services. Use cases including art, music, video games, film, sports, horse racing, data. VereNFT is powered by the Aventus Network, a scalable, interoperable and green layer 2 blockchain.

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VereNFT is an enterprise-grade whitelabel NFT platform that supports established businesses in the creation of their own NFT strategies.