How Can I trust My Digital Marketing Agency?

Mihajlo Naumovic
Published in
3 min readNov 10, 2019
Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

The question I keep hearing is how can I trust the agency with my digital marketing? A typical challenge with running a business is that you have limited time and knowledge about the digital marketing. On the other side there are thousands of agencies, consultants and freelancers offering promises and using all the right buzz words. So there are few simple steps to help you figure out who to trust with your business.

#1: Find the agency that can speak your language

You want the best person on the job managing digital marketing for your business. Who wouldn’t? But what is also important to consider is the way they communicate. No one knows your own business better than you do. The best way to get traction with your digital campaign is if you and your agency are on the same page.

Let’s take a dental practice for example. You can gather some valuable information by paying attention to what kind of questions your clients are asking during the consultation. Those questions can be valuable source of information. A good digital marketer can surface up this content when someone in your area searches in Google for an answer. By writing content that is relevant to those questions and contains the right keywords, your agency has the ability to acquire more customers. This can only be achieved if you have an open and clear communication with your agency.

#2: Find out where the biggest opportunity is for your business right now

There is not much point focusing on the harder tasks that will take too long to get results. The key is to work with your agency to spot those opportunities which will gather traction sooner. You may not need to re-design the whole website from the outset. Instead, starting with a simple landing page that works together with Google Ads campaign may be a better approach.

#3: Work with a specialist in the field

Once you know what is the best value for money for your business strategy, find the specialist in that particular field. Digital marketing is broad and complex, and there are hundreds of specialist agencies suited for different projects or tasks. So if your best strategy for the next six months is to optimise your local presence in Google, then get a local SEO specialist. If the job is to setup marketing automation to nurture your customer base, you need an agency that’s great at email marketing.

#4: Make the agency 100% accountable for their actions

So now that you speak the same language with your agency, and you are both focused on the right strategy, there needs to be a way to measure the execution. Track simple and easy to understand numbers that are relevant to the focus point. Say the agency has focused on keyword research and publishing five relevant pieces of content. The metrics should be around the amount of conversions generated from that particular content.

Wrap up — how do you know who to trust?

So how do you know who to trust with your digital marketing? The agency or the consultant should use simple language and focus on tasks that get traction. They should also be specialist for the type of work and are able to measure the results in easy to read format not tied up using industry jargon. Remember … it is not an overnight transition but, in the end all you need to have is trust in the process and the data should speak for itself.

