Why You Should Engage a Consultant

Mihajlo Naumovic
Published in
3 min readJan 22, 2018
Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

After spending over six years running a digital marketing agency I learned a lot about what happens behind the scenes. During this time I worked with executives, directors, business owners and marketing managers. It became obvious that there is a better way to streamline how businesses engage with an agency. Five key issues kept recurring: the language, credibility, specialisation, cost and accountability.

Problem #1: The Language

The agency that appears to have great talent is not always the one that translates the lingo back to the real world. They may use over-technical jargon in an attempt to impress the client. What often happens instead is confusion and communication breakdown.

The Solution

vergeCo breaks down tech lingo to ensure it all makes business sense. We understand how digital marketing strategy maps to key metrics within your business:

  • How the solution affects the bottom-line
  • What happens with the leads that we generate
  • What is the sales process after we’ve acquired the lead

Problem #2: Credibility

Barrier to entry for newcomers is almost non-existent due to lack of regulations in the industry. The agency may not be exactly what they say they are. The case studies on their website might be quite old. It might be worthwhile to verify their work and ask around. There is also a huge number of offshore providers flooding inboxes with cheap and unrealistic service offerings. How do you work out if the agency is credible?

The Solution

vergeCo evaluates and selects agencies based on their integrity, rating and previous track record. We have been around long enough to understand when the agency service offer is genuine.

Problem #3: Best-in-breed

This space is complex. It’s almost impossible to find one agency that’s great at everything. More than likely they will specialise in one area and will take a fake-it-till-you-make-it approach to areas they lack or outsource work.

The Solution

vergeCo will match right job to the most appropriate agency to ensure the client benefits across each channel, product or service.

Problem #4: Cost

Often great agencies can be very expensive. You want to make sure the cost is well justified. It feels disheartening to see another agency provide what seems like same service for much less. Not to mention factoring in different pricing structures (hourly, delivery, KPI based) can be a very dubious task.

The Solution

The vergeCo consultant who engages across different agencies understands what has to be asked. As an external consultant we cross-reference feedback provided by different clients. This data then enables vergeCo to develop an individual action plan tailored to each client.

Problem #5: Accountability

The agency team becomes complacent and overwhelmed with other projects, especially if client is too busy to keep on top of them.

The Solution

It is vergeCo’s priority to investigate the agency in question and know intimately how the agency operates. We build a relationship with the business across the entire digital strategy. We make it our job to have a full accountability, transparency, clarity of reporting and no-nonsense approach.

List of services include

  • SEO
  • Website optimistation
  • Content Marketing Strategy
  • Link Acquisition Strategy
  • PPC Campaigns Setup
  • New Markets
  • Bidding Optimization
  • Advanced Strategy
  • Facebook Ads
  • Web Development
  • Email Marketing
  • Social

