Development update on Verge #18

Swen van Zanten
Published in
3 min readMar 29, 2019


Much has happened since our last development update, 4 weeks ago. As you may have noticed we skipped the development update of March 15th 2019 since we had our first Verge developers live stream. There was positive community feeling for this but we do not yet know when we will do this again. During the live-stream, we talked about what to do with Verge’s proofing system in the future. We touched base and spoke openly about problems we are currently faced with mobile stealth transactions and answered some questions. The recording of the live stream can be found below:

Verge Codebase

On March 8th 2019 we released the first beta of the new codebase on our GitHub with working binaries to download and try out.

After releasing these binaries, we focused on getting the unit tests to run and succeed. We added the ability to automatically generate binaries for future releases.

Automated binaries

Whenever a tag is being published, binaries will be generated and put into a drafted release.

Automated test and coverage reports

This will obviously help anyone who give’s us a shot and contributes to the project. It sets a baseline for a testing infrastructure and additionally provides you with a system to check if you break something while editing code.

Fix hash power calculation

First off, the investigation went very deep into the internal structure of our blockchain, but the problem identified was that it wasn’t iterating the blocks correctly, hence why you would see zeros all over the place. This is now fixed.

Preparing docker images for business needs

Preparing a generalized docker Image, which in the very end executes a Verge core node. This brings better usability for businesses. Additionally, we also try to enable the latest releases as well (v4.0.3).

Still fixing stealth addressing

Stealth addressing was implemented at the very beginning and the algorithm for detecting new incoming stealth transactions isn’t working yet.

Verge iOS Wallet

On March 17th 2019 we released the sixth beta of the iOS wallet. This appears to be the last beta, now we will be focusing on releasing the application in the Apple App Store. No date can be given as usual, as this process is not entirely in our hands. For the last few weeks we have been focusing on getting the back-end ready for deployment and ensuring the Verge Wallet Service is ready for production.

The beta testers will probably get a few updates before the release of the application. When the application gets released in the App Store they just have to download that version.

Verge Android Wallet

As previously mentioned in the older updates, there was a focus on completely refactoring the Android wallet codebase, since it was first written down as a draft. To keep the application maintainable, a developer needs to be able to write clean code in chronological order. This improves structure and will provide an easy means for any developer to contribute in the future.

Now that the source code has been refactored to MVVM Standards, wallet operations can be implemented and development can continue as normal.

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Swen van Zanten

Full Stack Senior Web developer • Swift developer • Verge Currency Core member