Development Update on Verge #23

Swen van Zanten
Published in
4 min readJun 21, 2019


Whoops, we forgot last weeks development update… luckily no one reads these anyway, so this might be the last one! If this article gets over 2,000 claps we’ll keep them coming every two weeks. The final score needs to be over 2k on July 3rd, 2019 :D

Now on to the developments as of the last two weeks…

iOS Development

We’ve released an update on Tuesday 7th June 2019, to the initial v1.0.0 release including a Moon mode (dark theme), 13 languages, the new logo and some other minor tweaks. Of course v1.1.0 had a lovely bug in it making it hard for people with Touch ID devices to select the highly wanted Moon Mode. This bug was solved a few days later with the release of v1.1.1.

WWDC 2019

This years Apple WWDC brought some exciting new things for iOS to come in the fall this year. iOS 13 brings some great new features we can utilize in future iteration of the Verge Currency iOS wallet. For example NFC capabilities will be fully enabled in iOS 13… I think we can do some fun things with that, that’s for sure! For now, Ivan already started a branch in the Verge Currency iOS repository making our application compatible for iOS 13 so we can support it from day one!

v1.2 Developments

As we don’t have a release schedule yet, and no real features to add, we don’t have a next big update. I’ve started working on making improvements to various features in the application. Which means that we will have an even better User Experience. Once there is more news for this, we’ll definitely let you know!

Android Developments

I’ll let Manuel Cabras do the talking on this one ;)

Language Switch

After working on the backend to prepare for bitcore integration, I’ve been working the “language switch” on the Android wallet.

This is quite important since it gives the opportunity to non-English speaking people to use the wallet in their native language and Android phones are very widespread in countries where English is not an option.

External Contributions

I have to shoutout to two contributors that helped a bit on the wallet lately!

Let’s start with VergeDevil, who approached me willing to do some work, and he made the beautiful paper key reminder view:

And SEVCO, a web developer that approached me on GitHub with an interesting feature: Verge Wallet will open up a window on your phone when it crashes, so you’ll be able to send me the error message flawlessly.

Along with that, SEVCO did some refactoring that lead me to more refactoring and that means that I spent my Corpus Christi Holiday on Thursday, inside, fixing references across the whole project. :)

That’s all for Android this week!

P.S: At this point it’s worth mentioning that I also refreshed the Wallet graphics with the new backgrounds :)

New Block Explorer Prototype

One of the things I really wanted to build was a sexy user friendly block explorer, so i was playing with a prototype of my idea and called it Verge Telescope, as a working title. If you like it, we’ll keep the name. Remember this project is in the early stages and so I cannot give a date as to a potential release.

Meetup Interview by ABOUT:CRYPTO

ABOUT:CRYPTO interviewed me and Justin during the Verge Currency second meetup in Rotterdam this year. Check it out!



Swen van Zanten

Full Stack Senior Web developer • Swift developer • Verge Currency Core member