Development update on Verge #24

Swen van Zanten
Published in
5 min readJul 5, 2019


It’s been two weeks! :D

Android Wallet Update (by Manuel Cabras)

The last two weeks have passed incredibly fast, but the development for the Android wallet hasn’t stopped! My girlfriend was a little upset about me spending our anniversary on the wallet, but she is incredibly understanding. She knows the community needs the wallet! (just kidding, our anniversary weekend was really nice — I’m not a monster!)

Now, less blah, blah, blah and more wow, wow, wow!! Let’s go!


I’d like to start this section by mentioning Sevco , who has tirelessly worked by contributing and implementing the sorting features on transactions as you can see below:

And… huh? Why is everything so dark? Continue reading and you’ll figure out why :)

Dark Theme (Moon Mode)

Yay! The Android wallet will be released with Moon Mode available! The theme isn’t finished yet, but we are still developing the graphical elements to be as flexible as possible (and maintainable) in a development point of view. Not everything has been ported across, but we are working on it! Screenshots are below:

Other improvements

There were some flaws that you weren’t able to see since you don’t have access to the app :)

  • Between the splash screen and the wallet activity screen, a blank screen would appear. This has been fixed.
  • Between the splash screen and the wallet activity screen, a blank screen would appear. This has been fixed.
  • Alpha testers now have clear notice to not deposit any funds in any build of the wallet. Not yet, anyway.

That’s it for this edition. Follow Verge Currency on Twitter to get my occasional updates on the Android wallet if you want to have a closer look to the development :)

Verge Wallet Service (by Swen van Zanten)

Last week Swen updated y’all about the created Bitcore Docker image and its documentation.

But what is it about? As you might know the Verge iOS application utilizes the Bitcore suite created by Bitpay as its backend service. All iOS wallets are managed by the Verge Wallet Service (VWS) we setup it on our servers to let you experience a smooth working wallet. But as you also might have seen there is the possibility to connect to your own VWS with the iOS application:

So right now for the more technical people out there, Swen has made it easier to setup a VWS. He also made a video tutorial setting one up on your local machine:

Codebase Developments (by Marvin Piekarek)

Two issues that are being about to be released within a new V5 release are being prepared and tested.


We’ve reorganized the way how we are handling the fee calculation. It’s still a static-fee per KB. That basically means that you just pay 1 XVG per KB (1KB ~ 1 usual TX).

In this case, there were some edge cases where the transaction fee wasn’t correctly raised to 0.2 XVG as there was a difference in the definition of 1KB.
Normally we would expect 1 KB = 1024 bytes but in this case, it was organized according to the SI-system which defined 1 KB as 1000 bytes.

Mining Integration:

We headed over to discussions and solution planning together with our mining operators. As they are currently establishing a solid and flawless way of mining with the new core node. Definitely, there are still some issues left until mining goes live for bigger mining operations. After that’s established and working flawlessly, we can finally get back to focus for new inventions, eventual soft forks, etc…. I will leave those topics for the upcoming development updates.

Important (pending) pull requests:

  1. — Halving Scheduling
  2. — Fork inconsistencies between the older versions (consensus)


All communication will now be shifted to — If you need any help from a developer (reasons such as: a possible bug, system integration, or actual development help).


Myself and most likely all other members will just head you to GitHub with the next question you might have.

That doesn’t mean that if you have your “general” when question that you can’t ask us, but please consider technical stuff to land in GitHub directly. As I’m not able to track down 10 DM’s with the same question and get back to everyone equally, thank you for understanding this :)



Swen van Zanten

Full Stack Senior Web developer • Swift developer • Verge Currency Core member