Gil Linster is FUELED by VERGE

Published in
3 min readMay 3, 2021


Our favourite Luxemburger born Nascar racer Gil is about to make waves in the American racing world, by being the first European to participate in the Pro Latemodel Series, where most of the Nascar cup racers got their career defining start!

Not only this, but by donning the Verge gear that he has, it is the first time any cryptocurrency/blockchain will be showcased as a “Team” within this circuit. Joining giants like Marlboro & Jack Daniels, Verge Currency is once again, leaving its mark on the road to history.

Gil Linster Crowd Funding Video was released on APRIL 30th: Check out the video below.

Racing for success

Due to his success, Gil is also coming with a huge boost to his season, reducing his racing cost. Being the amazing Verge supporter that he is, instead of selling advertisement space to sponsors, he is offering the chance to the Verge Partners, Vendors and community to support his season.

That’s right! Not only will Gil be the first European in this race, but the VergeFam can be the first Cryptocurrency to be represented within the racing circuits, and off circuit, remember the racing trailers are giant moving advertisements too!

Gil’s idea is to get Verge brand on the Trailer, the race car, his helmet and suit.

Racing is big visibility in the US, so the more we advertise how big our community is, the more people can see why Gil is Fueled By Verge.

Imagine, the possibility of a Verge Branded racing outfit. Millions of Race fans will see the power of Verge Currency.

In his own words, no matter if you donate, 10, 100 or 1000 dollars, you can have your name on his car; the 5 biggest donors will get the honour of having their names/flag in prime positions! This means millions of views from the racing fans in America and around the globe!

If you haven’t done it already, Follow @gillinster @fueled_by_Verge on twitter and Instagram!




English teacher/editor Canadian living in Germany. Verge Currency editor.