Verge Currency and MobiePay team up

June 11th, 2020

SwizzleSticks - Lloyd


Verge Currency is pleased to announce an exciting new partnership with MobiePay, A New-Era payments & rewards ecosystem, created with the sole purpose of empowering the people.

This partnership will drive our users one step closer to a key element of the Verge Currency vision: our users being in control of their own data, which exactly mirrors the MobiePay vision. Whether it be shopping habits, movies you have chosen to watch, or simple social media usage, you should control what you share and to who.

This is why we chose to collaborate together, jumping on this fantastic opportunity now.

Brandon Burgason, CEO and Founder of Mobie had this to say “We are excited to partner with such a great team and community. Together we aim to provide more ways to use Verge and provide as much value as possible to eachother”

Alex, Verge’s marketing strategist, exclaimed: MobiePay is THE tool needed to spearhead mass-adoption, not only does it give the digital currency evangelists rewards for signing up businesses, it offers clear incentives for them to sign up! This exactly in line with our vision of digital transactions for everyday life.

Verge Currency is a digital currency pushed forward by a team of volunteers, through the use of VergePay; built from the foundation of Bitcoin, Verge promotes ease-of-use, speed and community ownership. In its 5 year lifespan, it has grown to be a global currency which can be used everywhere.

MobiePay™ is being developed as the universal payment ecosystem that provides a mechanism for users to spend or transfer fiat and cryptocurrency instantly from their mobile phone to merchants or other users. Mobie intends to bridge the gap between cryptocurrency and local currencies enabling a revolutionary new payment standard.

What do you think of this new partnership? Let the community know!



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