Verge Currency Development 202001

This is how weā€™re gonna roll

Swen van Zanten


As volunteered software engineers we somehow have to find some extra time to work on these blog posts šŸ˜†. In the last part of last year, we skipped some release dates for these posts because there wasnā€™t enough inspiration for content or there wasnā€™t enough time. This year we tent to release a new post at the end of each month.

Verge Codebase

Well, long time no see I guess. But a lot has been changed during the holiday season. Firstly moved the codebase on a new level by simply upgrading tor to the latest version, improving peer discovery, investing time in DNS tor-peer resolution and many other smaller improvements. Overall this a basic overview of what has happened on our core.

ElectrumX + ElectrumV4

Way more time has been invested in getting electrumX (our preferred electrum lightweight server) compatible with Verge. Therefore we have slowly but surely migrated the open-source repository for Verge. As of now itā€™s available and can be tested. We also serve on a server on one of our hosts to ensure a small network is always running (see this server is also referenced as a trusted (known) server inside the electrum wallet.

Next up is the electrum wallet which has been migrated the same way to support the latest verge core. We have as usual tried to modify as little as possible to integrate verge in order to stay compliant with the original electrum APIs/RPC calls etc. As you might have seen itā€™s still in a very early alpha phase, which means that there could be disturbing bugs when trying some exotic features. So be aware that you could lose all your money although chances are quite small.

Furthermore, Iā€™m currently extensively testing the current hardware support for Ledger (owning) and Trezor (emulator) to ensure also these modules. Also here keep in mind that I will yet again try to reach out to these hardware companies in order to get their software supported for Verge by providing them a working example with Electrum. I, for myself, set a deadline of two months to get feedback from them. If thereā€™s no feedback at all I will abandon hardware support in electrum. (deactivating these features)

But anything else has been tested very lightly and seems to work for now! So if you want to give it a shot and maybe find some bugs and even fix them you can visit: and download it for either macOS or Windows.

Any support is always appreciated. Keep in mind that we are not the wallet support šŸ˜ƒ

Verge Android Wallet

Hey ho! After this nice EOY break, development has restarted in a regular basis for the android wallet that youā€™re all dreaming for.

As I started a new position, Iā€™m busier than ever but Iā€™m trying to dedicate a few hours per week on the wallet development and SEVCO is still around helping with advancing the tasks remaining until alpha, that are now well defined under GitHubā€™s Issues tab here :

Besides checking the Issues on GitHub, every development Iā€™m doing on the wallet has become for me an opportunity to do some live streams on Twitch, where I essentially continue writing the wallet while trying to explain what I do to ā€œnon-techiesā€, for free and fun. If you enjoy hearing about a developer ranting about his developer life, you can follow Manuel here :

Overall, we can say that the overall status for the wallet is around 80ā€“85%. Missing features are being implemented according to the issues list and since development resumed at a regular pace we can expect an alpha version for testing soon. Keep tuned for further updates!

Verge iOS Wallet

For the iOS wallet we are working on fixing some bugs that have been found during the last update. We also plan to work on adding a help view, or a view where you're redirected to a place where to get help for using the application.

Electrum Mnemonic Sweeping

Weā€™re also working on enabling users to sweep their Electrum mnemonic into the iOS wallet. This means youā€™ll just need you mnemonic and fill that into the sweeping feature in the iOS wallet and it will transfer all your funds to an iOS wallet address. Easy peasy!



Swen van Zanten

Full Stack Senior Web developer ā€¢ Swift developer ā€¢ Verge Currency Core member