Verge Currency with Pundi X: A Step Towards Mass Adoption

Published in
5 min readAug 2, 2018

Written by Akshay | Twitter : @sourcedexter

Dear Vergefam,

Great strides have been made by us in the past few months towards our goal of mass-adoption. Today, we have taken yet another step in that direction. Verge Currency is proud to announce its integration with the Pundi X ecosystem across the world. Pundi X, the Point Of Sale (“POS”) solution that makes buying products with crypto at local stores as simple as buying a bottle of water.

The ability for a customer to easily pay for products using cryptocurrencies has been one of the hardest challenges we have seen to date. Pundi X with their solutions have brought the simplicity and convenience that a regular customer needs to fulfil the requirement of purchasing goods at a local store.

What are the challenges?

Verge provides the conducive environment for fast and anonymous payments between two parties. However, for this to take place, a customer must undergo a laborious process to purchase Verge through an exchange (possibly through the BTC route). This in itself is a time-consuming task.

A customer who is likely to purchase a product from one of the hundreds of vendors who accept Verge needs to rely on software based POS solutions. The POS will be used to convert the price from fiat to Verge and then a transaction needs to be performed from one wallet to another.

For people like us who use crypto, it’s a task that we can perform in our sleep. However, for a non tech savvy user who isn’t exposed to cryptocurrencies, it becomes a time consuming and difficult task. They don’t find it to be worth their time. This calls for simplicity.

Solutions that are currently deployed!

Brick and mortar stores who accept Verge Currency have been using a combination of mobile or desktop wallets with websites that perform crypto-to-fiat real time conversions to accept payments from willing customers. Verge as a low fee and quick transacting cryptocurrency is encouraging users within the cryptosphere to continuously use it as a payment method.

Online vendors who accept Verge either rely on real time converters to get the price of products or third party crypto payment gateways such as CoinPayments.

The problem at hand is glaring. There is no direct connection between online and offline solutions and neither is there any one point solution for a customer’s payment needs. This is where things are going to change!

Enter, Pundi X!

With Verge integration to the Pundi X POS solutions, any physical store owner around the globe can now accept Verge. Customers can buy, sell or pay with Verge by using the Pundi X mobile app or the Pundi X card.

But there’s more!

Pundi X solves three major problems for a typical customer using cryptocurrency.

  1. Buying Cryptocurrency — To purchase goods with Verge, it must be made easy for people to buy Verge in the first place.
  2. Using Cryptocurrency — Once the account has Verge
  3. Integrating Fiat Currencies — Fiat payments are necessary as of today and Pundi X provides integration to many fiat gateways like Alipay, wechat Pay, Pundi Pundi and more…

Buying Verge with Pundi X

Buying Verge Currency with Pundi X becomes extremely simple. A customer can top-up Verge either through the Pundi X mobile app or recharge at any store having Pundi X POS terminal that can process transaction in cash, mobile wallets, and credit or debit cards.

The transactions are almost instantaneous and it will reflect in your account almost immediately.

Using Verge with Pundi X

Pundi X provides the XPASS card, a multi-currency secure card that can be used to spend Verge at stores that have the Pundi X POS terminals.

Your XPASS card is the equivalent of a debit card, but better. Here’s how: Not only will you be able to store and spend Verge from the XPASS card, you will be able to store a number of other currencies integrated with the Pundi X system. This will provide opportunities to cryptocurrency users not currently invested in Verge to try it out.

A harmony between Cryptocurrency and Fiat

Imagine that you are a shopkeeper. You have a beautiful store that sells a variety of products. You, being the early adopter, decide to accommodate people who are willing to pay via cryptocurrency. Many vendors have added Verge because some of their returning customers have asked for it. You might be one among them.

You now look for solutions and find out that you need to maintain multiple POS terminals. One for Verge and one for your native Fiat currency. You then incentivize payment with Verge as you believe cryptocurrencies are going to change the way we transact and you can facilitate that, like a loyalty program.

So, how does Pundi X fit into this?

Well, Pundi X not only supports cryptocurrencies, it also supports payment with fiat currencies. A single POS terminal allows you to simply accept cryptocurrencies and fiat. It provides other services like loyalty programs and running offers. It all ties back to convenience, not just for customers but also for store owners.

Verge just got more convenient!

Verge is moving forward, join us!

The Core Team is working hard on making Verge Currency as accessible and easy to use as possible. We are closely connected with our community to understand the day-to-day difficulties and try to solve them.

Pundi X is one of the solutions to make it easy for all of us. It is a step to inspire others who are are indecisive and need a small push in adopting cryptocurrency use on a day-to-day basis. As we all travel the path of mass adoption, we face challenges, but we know that we will overcome and share the power and the privacy Verge Currency has to offer.

