Verge Marketing Update #4

SwizzleSticks - Lloyd
Published in
6 min readSep 6, 2019


September 6th 2019

A sneaky @Jaybawz1 appears out of nowhere to write his first piece for Verge! Here’s what he had to say:

Hello again Verge supporters! Another week, another marketing update to feast your eyes upon! We hope you enjoyed your summer and that you are reading this from either the pool or the beach. Although some of you have probably gone back to work or are still relaxing, the last few weeks we made some serious progress on various ends. We were added to new exchanges, empowered those in need and made some serious progress with Verge University!

Exchange News

First things first, we are glad to inform you that we are added to EviEx and Bitnovo!

EviEx is a dutch-based crypto exchange, whereas Bitnovo provides consumers the opportunity to buy & sell cryptocurrencies at over 36.000 stores in Europe. Cryptocurrencies, including Verge can be purchased with fiat or through their website. More specifically, you can purchase or exchange your fiat for Verge using Bitnovo at well know retailers such as Carrefour, Game, Fnac, Eroski, Worten store, tobacconists and other Bitnovo points! Yes, you read that correctly, Verge can now be purchased at over 36,000 retail stores. This is a huge step in terms of exposure and in the mass adoption of Verge Currency! VergeDEV also announced that he’s working with TokenPay to get us listed on their EFIN exchange as well.

Exchange announcements links:

Vendor Updates

Verge will be integrated on the Ellipal hardware wallet platform soon:

Helping Those In Need

As we all know, Verge is designed and intended to be a means of exchange and does exactly that to empower those in need. More specifically, the team behind has implemented Verge Currency in their platform to provide help and donation opportunities for those affected by the massive floods in 28 out of the 31 provinces in Iran. The utilities that are purchased from the received donations vary from tents and blanket to basic needs such as drinking water and healthy food. This is just one of the many use cases in which Verge Currency enables the exchange of value without the need for a centralized entity, and more importantly, to help those in need!

Verge University

Verge University has been introduced in our previous marketing updates, but let’s give you a brief recap what it is all about. As you may know, Verge University consists of a group of bright, forward thinking students who are looking ahead to the future of cutting edge blockchain technology and its growth as an economic foothold in our society. Most students have heard about cryptocurrencies, but what is it exactly? Why does it matter? What is the importance of privacy? How can it benefit us as a society? How can it benefit me? The main goals of Verge University is to to answer all of these questions and bundle them in a platform in a way that makes common sense and is easy to understand.

Alright, so what is Verge University currently working on? Is it solely run by students? Well, the answer to that is busier than ever and yes! More specifically, the Verge University core team expanded to four core members. These students are eager to get started on outreach, marketing and development of the Verge University platform. However, there is still a lot of work to be done to create the correct fundamentals for the Verge University project. Some key issues we are currently working on:

* Finishing the guidelines for students / teachers
* Outreach e-mails / start of the social media handles
* Student outreach / lecturer outreach
* Powerpoints / blogs to present at various universities explaining Verge / Verge University
* Content creation / updating of the Verge University portal

We hope you are excited as we are. By now you are probably wondering, can I assist the Verge University project in any way? Yes you can! We are still looking for additional tutors who are interested to create content and teach students about blockchain basics! Do you have what it takes to teach the next generation about the latest tech? Reach out to Jaybawz. Stay tuned for more Verge Uni in the next marketing updates! Similar to the previous update we would like to give you a sneak peak of what the portal looks like:

Development & Network Updates

We released development update which includes juicy details like a new iOS version that supports paper wallet sweeping, some codebase updates from Marvin about mining and consensus mechanisms in the code, as well as an update on the new Android wallet from Manuel.

Click here for Verge Development Update #27

Some notable development tweets since the Dev update was released:

Shout Outs

We would also like to use this marketing update to give a shout-out to all those who have supported our community and network for the past years. Without you guys there would be no Verge Currency! Here are some great examples:

For this Marketing update, at the request of new people joining in the outreach effort, I wanted to give a few guidelines as to how Verge Currency is used like a digital version of cash payments.

Accepting Verge 101

First Verge operates like bitcoin, it’s a digital currency that is built from the bitcoin blockchain but offers a few improvements.

Verge has 30 second block times, which means that when you do a transaction, it takes only a few seconds for it to appear on the blockchain, making it easier for stores to confirm payments are made. Fees for Verge transfers are usually 0.1 XVG regardless of how much Verge you send, as opposed to the expensive fees from bitcoin or others.

Also, Verge has built in privacy feature, using torproject to hide the location of the users, but transactions are still visible on the blockchain. You can visit to see them.

Having transactions public on the blockchain allows for easy proof and management of incoming and outgoing transactions for merchants, while respecting the privacy of their customers.

Secondly, Verge offers optional stealth transactions, these are also visible on the blockchain explorer, but hides the recipient of this transaction, meaning that the address that is receiving the payment cannot be traced back to another address.

In the future, we will have RingCT to protect the sender as well.

In short, the technical things that you need to know to present Verge to potential adopters, is that Verge works like Bitcoin, but is faster & protects your privacy.

If you want other reasons that aren’t technical to help you present Verge. Verge operates from a community distributed around the globe. Volunteers like you allow for the coin to survive, thrive and be adopted. There are no funds for the team and the development is publicly accessible on our GitHub.

Accessing Verge can be done on over 50 exchanges, the largest being Binance. There are over 100 vendors accepting payments in Verge, you can make your pick here:

Is your vendor interested in accepting Verge? And would like to change their currency into dollars, or euros? Then refer to them to @Netcents with this link:
Or NOWPayments for an easy plug-in on their website.
You see? Its not hard to accept Verge!

Accepting Verge gives you visibility in one of the largest communities with over 60 000 Facebook likes, over 300 000 followers on twitter, and over 17 000 telegram followers. So join the community and accept Verge Today!

Did you like this marketing update and would like to see similar updates in the future? Feel free to provide us with any feedback and if you liked the article make sure to give us a clap clap.



SwizzleSticks - Lloyd

Husband, Father, Businessman, Trader and Crypto/Blockchain nerd, trying to make smart investment decisions so that my family can have a better future.