Verge Marketing Update #5

SwizzleSticks - Lloyd
Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2019


November 8th, 2019

Hello to all our usual readers, and welcome to all the new people that may just be finding us! Due to some real-life scheduling conflicts last month we did not release a marketing update in October; please remember that Verge is run by volunteers. We hope everyone is doing well and gearing up for what we all hope is a smooth Q4 for Verge (plus, crypto in general) and all those fun Holidays that usually accompany the end of the year! Let’s jump right into and recap everything that’s happened in the past two months!

Verge & Manny Pacquiao Foundation

This was undoubtedly our most recent, exciting news! Mark from our Core team made some contacts with the Manny Pacquiao Foundation and discovered they wanted to enable cryptocurrencies to further assist cross border donations. This also helped in reducing their processing fees on many common fiat donation platforms. We quickly got to work and formed a “crypto coalition” of other companies: Blockchain Business Magazine, XcelPay, XcelTrip, Paycent, KuBitX & ChangeAngel. This group of companies, while working for the adoption of cryptocurrencies, have built great relationships with crypto to fiat processors. Read more about this great collaboration via the press release here, and go here to make a donation to the MPF with crypto!

Atomic Wallet Partnership

For those who don’t know, Atomic Wallet is a nice cross coin wallet platform that also allows you to do in wallet token/coin swaps. Find out more here:

Development Update #30

Find this update here!

Verge attended the World Crypto Conference

Mark (Verge Canada) attended the WCC this year. His adventures were too plentiful to list them all here, so run over to his Twitter account, follow him, and look back through all the interviews and conversations he had!

Voyager lists Verge

App based broker (like an exchange, but through an app) listed Verge on the 15th of October, 2019. Read the press release here.

Coinranking Interviews Lloyd!

Quick but insightful and interesting interview by Coinranking about Verge.

Development Update #29 and upcoming fork and updated halving schedule at block 3,700,000

Check that out here:

Verge’s 5-year Genesis Block Anniversary

That’s right, we are 5 years old as of Oct 9th, 2019. Here’s some supportive tweets we saw:

Prodoge Lists Verge

Read more here:

Ellipal now officially supports Verge on their wallets

Read more here:

CryptoRekt releases Part 1 of a two-part series about banking vulnerabilities

Find that here:

Lloyd (yours truly) releases article on transactional privacy

Read more here:

Cryptwerk lists Verge

Cryptwerk is a “crypto payment aggregator” site meaning they try to list and track all businesses that accept crypto, what type(s) of crypto they accept, where they are etc. You should check them out at:

Closing thoughts

So that’s a lot to digest, but at least we have the highlights here in one place now. Stay tuned for some more exciting things to happen in Vergelandia!



SwizzleSticks - Lloyd

Husband, Father, Businessman, Trader and Crypto/Blockchain nerd, trying to make smart investment decisions so that my family can have a better future.