Verge & MeconCash Press release

Published in
2 min readMay 20, 2020


Seoul, Korea, (21–5–2020) — Seoul, Korea, Verge Currency or Verge ticker XVG; the community project, has entered into a partnership with MeconCash, a giant of the Korean tech industry.

Verge Currency is now accepted on all the 13 000 MeconCash ATM’s in Korea. Once again, Verge pushes forward the boundaries of digital currencies — this time into the Korean landscape as a digital currency used for remittance & exchange on MeconCash’s retail platform MeconMall. Verge can also be used to pay for games that accept M. pay rewards. MeconCash is recognized as a top international Korean company and is part of the K300 list of companies based in Korea.

This is an important moment for Verge Currency, as it is a user friendly digital currency which is used by important international organisations, such as the Manny Pacquiao Foundation. Aside from this new partnership, it is important to remember that Verge is a partner to Mindgeek, and can be used effectively throughout all its various services.

Upon hearing the news of this new use case for Verge, Founder Justin Vendetta, exclaimed the following “This is fantastic! I hope we can eventually get XVG on every ATM on the planet! This is great for adoption, especially at the consumer level”

The rest of the core team, volunteering their hours, agreed that this was a small step for the team, but a large step for the future of payments.

Here is a video showcasing the benefits of this partnership:

About Verge Currency

Verge Currency is a digital currency pushed forward by a team of volunteers, through the use of VergePay; built from the foundation of Bitcoin, Verge promotes ease-of-use, speed and community ownership. In its 5 year lifespan, it has grown to be a global currency which can be used everywhere.

About MeconCash

MeconCash is a K300, company focusing on blockchain technology based in South Korea that is developing into a platform that allows user’s assets to be transferred and traded between different types of services by integrating point reward systems, contents purchase, and settlement, which are currently operated separately between existing services and those under development.




English teacher/editor Canadian living in Germany. Verge Currency editor.