Veridium Updates & Announcement

Veridium Official
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2018

Community Update for Oct. 2018

Today we have some big news to share, both good and bad. We’ll go ahead and get the bad news out of the way: Veridium has decided to postpone its token sale for the time being; however we do still plan on having a sale in the future.

We believe that Veridium’s CARBON (CRB) token can best serve the market if it is available globally, including in the U.S. We’re working to make that happen, which includes postponing our token sale for the time being while we work with the appropriate regulatory bodies.

So even though this delay may be frustrating to our international community, we think the upside here is well worth it. Our mission is to transform the way carbon credit markets work. The U.S. is vital. If U.S. consumers and market participants are able to use CARBON, this will help the entire ecosystem in the long run — more demand for a consumable carbon offset solution will drive liquidity which will better enable consumption.

Overall this news is positive for everyone, and once approved, it will lead to the EcoSmart™ protocol being adopted much faster, more corporate partners coming on board quicker, liquidity being created sooner, and being able to achieve our goal of creating a fully regenerative and sustainable environment earlier than we previously could have. We see it as one step back, five steps forward.

We appreciate everyone’s support so far and hope that you will continue to support our mission regardless of the delay. We’ll be keeping you up to date with all news and updates as they happen.

The Veridium Team

