The Top Pain Points for Artists and Their Teams: a 2021 Research Report

lane ballentine
Verifi Media
Published in
2 min readFeb 16, 2021

The Current Status of the Music Industry and Suggestions for the Future

In late 2020, Verifi Media conducted a three-part research project to gain insight for the music industry into what solutions can better prepare artists and their teams for navigating heavy amounts of metadata in the digital world. Our report abstract and link to read the full article are below:

Report Summary: One of Verifi’s key missions is to support creators and their art. We recently took on an initiative to first understand the current and continually changing (and not to mention, challenging) circumstances of creators and, in response to this understanding, create and champion improvements to the existing systems on which the music industry was built. Through better data solutions, we can empower creators and their teams to harness their full potential, by enabling them to take control of their rights efficiently and easily. 2020 was a year of unprecedented changes to every industry — Some faring better than others. In our own industry, the live music economy was hit hard and artists had to rely more heavily on the internet to reach their audiences. In reflecting on how a creator’s relationship with data, especially metadata, may have evolved in response to this — We felt compelled to embark on a research report that would answer the research questions:​ What are the primary pain points for independent artists and their teams in 2020, and what tools or resources are needed to modernize our fragmented data ecosystem and best support - as well as empower -vulnerable industry players?​ ​

Click here to read our full research report

