US$50 Billion!

Published in
1 min readDec 1, 2022

VerifyVASP Alliance has passed its US$50B milestone for the value of virtual assets transferred. Meaning, in just 8 months, Virtual Assets totalling over US$50B went through regulatory-compliant transfers supported by VerifyVASP Travel Rule solutions.

This important milestone for VerifyVASP Alliance highlights the fact that the industry can remain compliant and keep the assets flowing in a period of market volatility and uncertainty.

By demonstrating that regulatory compliance does not impede the benefits of blockchain technology, VerifyVASP’s industry-leading Travel Rule solutions are paving way for more jurisdictions to seamlessly adopt Travel Rule regulations.

As we look forward to more milestones in the future, we are committed to ensuring our solutions are fit for purpose in whatever jurisdictions our clients are domiciled in. Feel free to get in touch to see how VerifyVASP Travel Rule solutions can help you remain compliant with Travel Rule in your jurisdiction or the jurisdictions of your counterparties.

