VeriME — September 2019 Newsletter

Sara @TrueVett
Published in
5 min readOct 3, 2019

Welcome to September 2019 VeriME newsletter.

Great News…. New partner on-boarding….Mobin!

VeriME has partnered with Mobin a Vietnam based insure-tech platform. MOBIN is cooperated with VNPT one of the largest telco in Vietnam to provide service to their 30milliuon customers. VNPT is also the owner of Vinaphone with more than 30 million users and branches across Vietnam. They are also the owner of VNPT Post with their network spread across every district of Vietnam.

Mobin partnered with VeriME for secure Digital Identity Verification and authentication mechanism to each of its partners merchants and customers.

There are many advantages in using VeriME in payment ecosystem. The increased credibility for buyers, immediate payments for merchants are few of the benefits that Mobin and its users are enjoying. Its spot-on to say “Verified by VeriME” is giving them peace of mind as it has done for other partners using VeriME services.

Following is a snapshot of the login page using VeriME applications

Launching Promotion and Co-Marketing program

VeriME has introduced A new launching promotions and co-marketing programs through its partners to increase adoption. This has been introduced to all the existing partners. There has been positive feedback from partners in adopting this move. Marketing team is working closely with partners to promote this further.

VayMuon — VeriME

As mentioned in our previous newsletters, VayMuon based in Hanoi is a peer to peer lending platform. They provide services to Individuals seeking financial assistance. They are also a reliable trading platform that connects borrowers and investors from all over the country. Security was their main concern and priority therefore VeriME was opted to full fill these requirements. VayMuon has already integrated the D-KYC services in their business. VeriME team has fine tuned and made several changes on the user experience and some bugs were also fixed. New security features were added to make the application a lot more secure. The teams mission is to maintain a positive user experience overall.

The following link will show how VeriME is integrated to VayMuon business.


As we know VeriME collaborated with EGATE, one of the leading crypto wallet and payment gateway provider based in Central America. Given the rising cost and challenges of KYC and payment authentication processes, VeriME’s D-KYC and D-SECURE solutions was quickly adopted by EGATE. We have upgraded the services with better user experience features and implemented the latest security features to their services. Our partnership with EGATE is moving smooth.

NganLuong — VeriME

NganLuong, Vietnam’s largest payment gateway, is one of VeriME partner as we all know. We have been providing this partner secure verification and authentication services. To further enhance we have integrated the added security features as we have done for other partners. We have also customised it based on NganLuong’s requirement especially on payment gateway aspects.

Activities with the Verification and KYC News around the globe.

eKYC, Digital KYC for opening bank accounts to make process secure: UIDAI

Following is the link to the news on e-KYC, Digital KYC for opening bank accounts to make the process secure. Digital KYC has been introduced for opening up a bank accounts. If a customer has paper Aadhaar, voter ID or driving licence, then the person can go for Digital KYC, like used in many sectors these days. This makes it convenient, safe, secure and fraud-proof. VeriME team is also exploring these opportunities to introduce their D-KYC, and D-Verification services to Banks in Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and many other countries where we have a strong hold. Clink on the following link to read more about

Read more at:

KYC rider gets banks back in remittance game

Mandatory KYC for creating and transferring money through wallets has brought about a shift in business. This is due to the loss of business of mobile wallets. It has brought in gains for the banking system, as the entire domestic remittance business, which had moved to the prepaid segment, has returned to the business correspondents space. This lead to Reserve Bank of India order, requiring full KYC compliance for creating and transferring money through wallets. Digital KYC guidelines have come but it’s very complicated and time consuming. VeriME Seamless D-KYC which provides the best user experience can be implemented to resolve these. VeriME is also exploring this opportunity with providing their D-KYC service in this context

Read more at:

Browser Extensions Can Steal KYC Data, Alter BTC Transactions

Social engineering, cryptojacking, viruses, phishing, exit scams, honey pots–all of these are an all-too-common part of the cryptocurrency landscape. Now, crypto hackers may have found yet another way to illicitly gain access to your coins: browser extensions.

Read more at:

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Partner Log In —

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We look forward to hearing from you.

That’s all for September 2019 updated. Do not forget to visit our website and social media sites for more updates and do hit the like button to show your support and presence as always.

