Hello VeriME Community,

Sara @TrueVett
Published in
4 min readJul 2, 2019

Welcome to July 2019 VeriME newsletter.

Great News…. New partner on-boarding … Tick EduVeriME

Tick Edu is a Vietnam based E-learning portal that was founded in 2018. Tick Edu’s mission is to share knowledge and develop new skills, focussed at Vietnam’s growing young student population. It is catered to students, professionals or anyone who would like to nurture or adopt new knowledge in many different fields from the comfort of their homes. Tick Edu provides thousands of practical online courses from science, personal development and many others.

To make the e-Learning portal a trustworthy site with good standard the founders of Tick Edu have joined partnership with VeriME for their seamless on-boarding and verification requirements for the site.

Each user and trainer is verified using VeriME D-Auth and D-Verification before they can proceed to register themselves to the courses or develop a course for the users. Verification such as users age and education background and other details are collected in this process.

The trainers and publishers are also required to go through VeriME D-KYC to authenticate their personal details and other information. This way quality programs and education materials are created to make the e-learning experience a worthwhile experience.

Following is the snapshot of the log in page using VeriME’s D-AUTH solution offering.

VayMuon — VeriME

As mentioned in our previous newsletters, VayMuon based in Hanoi is a peer to peer lending platform. They provide services to Individuals seeking financial assistance. They are also a reliable trading platform that connects borrowers and investors from all over the country. Security was their main concern and priority therefore VeriME was opted to fulfill these requirements. VayMuon has already integrated the D-KYC services in their business. VeriME team has fine tuned and made several changes on the user experience and some bugs were also fixed. New security features were added to make the application a lot more secure. The teams mission is to maintain a positive user experience overall.

The following link will show how VeriME is integrated to VayMuon business.



As we know VeriME collaborated with EGATE, one of the leading crypto wallet and payment gateway provider based in Central America. Given the rising cost and challenges of KYC and payment authentication processes, VeriME’s D-KYC and D-AUTH solutions were quickly adopted by EGATE. We have upgraded the services with better user experience features and implemented the latest security features to their services. Our partnership with EGATE is moving smooth.

NganLuong — VeriME

NganLuong, Vietnam’s largest payment gateway, is one of VeriME partners as we all know. We have been providing this partner secure verification and authentication services. To further enhance we have integrated the added security features as we have done for other partners. We have also customised it based on NganLuong’s requirement especially on payment gateway aspects.

On VeriME Blog

We thank all our VeriME community who have been following us on the VeriMe Medium Blog. Those who have not visited our blog please click on the link and start following us for up to date news and information.

Please do read our last write up on Importance of KYC to FinTech Companies

where we speak about how KYC works and how it becomes crucial in operating any fintech companies. Enjoy and stay tuned for more….

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VeriME Website and Email ID

Keeping in touch with our VeriME community is important to us. So do keep in touch and do not hesitate to write to us if you have any questions or concerns. We also welcome suggestions on improving our offerings to our community. Do send us your enquiries and feedback.

WEBSITE: www.verime.io

Partner Log In — https://partner.verime.io/auth/login

For sales related communication kindly contact sales@verime.io

For marketing related communication kindly contact pr@verime.io

For other enquiries please contact support@verime.io.

We look forward to hearing from you.

That’s all for July 2019 newsletter. Do not forget to visit our website and social media sites for more updates and do hit the like button to show your support and presence as always.

