How VeriME Benefits its Users

Sara @TrueVett
Published in
2 min readFeb 22, 2018

Fresh off the success of its pre-sales, VeriME is taking huge strides in the tokensales space by rapidly increasing its number of partner companies in different corners of the world. We, at VeriME, are staunch believers of the philosophy — VeriME user is King. Thus, we take this time to appraise our VeriME users of the benefits they can reap by signing up for the VeriME’s solutions for VeriME user KYC.

By participating in the tokensales, the prospective VeriME users will become holders of the VeriME token — VME, which will benefit them in many ways.

By Using D-KYC

Once a VeriME user creates a profile on VeriME and performs KYC or Payment Authentication with an existing VeriME partner, he/she will be entitled to a “Usage Fee” in the form of VME Tokens, to be paid for the transaction.

VeriME user receives a fraction of the service fee as usage fee for every D-KYC transaction he/she performs.

By Using D-Secure

The VeriME user is also entitled to a fraction of the Usage Fee that will be paid per D-SECURE transaction with a VeriME Partner.

What this spells for the VeriME user is that they are sitting on a potential gold-mine, just by owning these VME tokens in their Ethereum wallets. Since the total number of VME tokens are limited, and Partners will continue to fuel the demand for more tokens, as the VeriME transactions (KYC and Payment Authentications) increase on the blockchain. This will lead to an increase in the value of the VME token. The VeriME user can then sell these tokens on supported exchanges and get fiat currency or other cryptocurrencies in return.

Even at the time of the tokensale, when the VME tokens are made available at highly discounted prices. This, on conversion to fiat currency is expected to represent a higher value to reflect the appreciation of the utility of the token.

In sum, buying VME tokens at the tokensales stage will prove highly beneficial to the VeriME users, whether they exchange them for fiat currency within the short term, or if they decide to hold on to their VME holdings for the long term.

