Welcome to April 2019 VeriME Newsletter.

Sara @TrueVett
Published in
5 min readApr 30, 2019

Our Condolences to People of Sri Lanka

We are living in the golden age with advanced technology, medical breakthroughs, scientific and social progress that we have never seen before. However, with the recent terrorist attacks around the world and current series of coordinated terror attack that took place in Sri Lanka on the 21st April 2019 has left us all in shock!. What was suppose to be a joyful Easter celebration has changed the lives of many people in Sri Lanka and around the world.

VeriME team feels for the people of Sri Lanka and visitors from around the world who were affected in the Easter Sunday Terrorist attack. We would like to send our condolences to the families who have lost their loved ones and our deepest sympathies to the people of Sri Lanka. We pray and hope for a better world.

VeriME Sri Lanka Office and team members.

We would also like to thank all those who were concerned about our VeriME office and our team in Sri Lanka. Please take note that our team members in Sri Lanka are safe. Our office in Colombo is not affected during the attacks.

It’s been a rough journey for VeriME in Sri Lanka since the introduction and opening of our operations there last October. From the time when we started our new office, the change in government has made our progress in this region hard-hitting and now this terror attack to add on to that list. Whilst our progress has been slow in this region, the interests and opportunities haven’t diminished. With this terror attack we believe that the need for verification is an important factor to consider for many business operations in Sri Lanka. We will continue to pave our way in Sri Lanka and provide our services aiming for a better and secure business operations.

Partner Integrations and Progress so far…

VayMuon + VeriME

As mentioned in our last newsletter, VayMuon based in Hanoi is a peer to peer lending platform. They provide services to Individuals seeking loans. They are also a reliable trading platform that connects borrowers and investors from all over the country. As security was their major concern and priority, VeriME was opted and has already integrated the D-KYC services in their business. We are currently fine tuning and making changes based on their requirements. Most of their requirements are based on user experience changes. We are working towards providing a smooth user on-boarding and a positive user experience overall.

The following link will show how VeriME is integrated to VayMuon business.



As we know VeriME collaborated with EGATE, one of the leading crypto wallet and payment gateway provider based in Central America. Given the rising cost and challenges of KYC and payment authentication processes, VeriME’s D-KYC and D-SECURE solutions was quickly being adopted by EGATE. We have upgraded the services with better user experience features and implemented the latest security features to their services. Our partnership with EGATE is moving smooth.

NganLuong + VeriME

NganLuong, Vietnam’s largest payment gateway, is one of VeriME partner as we all know. We have been providing this partner secure verification and authentication services. Users have been using this for a while now and it’s been a successful partnership. To further enhance we have integrated the added security features as we have done for other partners. We have also customised it based on NganLuong’s requirement especially on payment gateway aspects.

Product Update

Our product is now upgraded with added security features. We have also fixed more bugs in the latest feature.

We have been testing the entire workflow of the application for various partners, including payments, user on-boarding, the communication flow and other features in order to ensure that it’s a great and seamless experience. The response has been positive so far. The Product development team is looking into other useful features to be added into our services.

Our product development team is always looking for volunteers to help test the new features. As a valued member of VeriME community, we would love to know how our community feels about our products. We would like to invite you to test our app and share your feedback!

You can download VeriME apps here:

iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/vn/app/verime/id1177849464?mt=8

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=asia.verime

Please do share your feedback to: support@verime.io

Subscribe to VeriME newsletter

Thank you to everyone who has already subscribed to our VeriME newsletters. Those who have not subscribed to our newsletters please click on link and follow a simple step to subscribe to our newsletter. Be the first to receive our updates and other announcements.

VeriME Website and Email ID

Keeping in touch with our VeriME community is impor

tant to us. So do keep in touch and do not hesitate to write to us if you have any questions or concerns. We also welcome suggestion on improving our offerings to our community. Do send us your enquiries and emails.

WEBSITE: www.verime.io

Partner Log In — https://partner.verime.io/auth/login

For sales related communication kindly contact sales@verime.io

For marketing related communication kindly contact pr@verime.io

For other enquiries please contact support@verime.io.

We look forward to hear from you

That’s all for April 2019!. Do not forget to visit our website and social media sites for more updates and do hit the like button to show your support and presence as always.

