Welcome to January 2020 Newsletter.

Sara @TrueVett
Published in
5 min readJan 6, 2020

Hello VeriME Community,

On the occasion of the New Year 2020 VeriME team would like to thank each and every one who has supported and motivated us in the past year. We also would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a wonderful 2020 filled with good health and prosperity. As for VeriME we are motivated to achieve good success and good deals that will make 2020 better for stakeholders and VeriME

VeriME team is all motivated for 2020 with big plans in hand. To start with we are excited to announce that VeriME has changed name. We will now be known as TrueVett. With this TrueVett will be taking the opportunity to evolve the brand in order to better communicate our verification and authentication services. It seems like a big change but be rest assured that our core beliefs and mission is still the same in providing the best and keeping our stakeholders interest as our priority. We believe that VeriME has a fresh, confident and bold look to perform better through the new brand TrueVett for the New Year 2020. Furthermore, recently we learnt that there are other companies with similar name(s) are operating on other verticals that does not confirm to our values and culture. Therefore, to avoid confusions and to create uniqueness to our offerings and to better brand our services we have moved on to this direction with a new brand, new look — TrueVett

This rebranding activity will take some time however, we are still contactable and active on all social media, telegram and other VeriME owned media sites. For more info do follow us on the telegram channel for first-hand updates and information.

TrueVettpartners as of 2019

We would also like to thank all our partners who are actively using TrueVett services. As of end of December 2019 we are glad to inform that we integrated with many big partners successfully. Following are some of the details:

VayMuon (Leading peer-to-peer lending platform)

VayMuon based in Hanoi is a peer to peer lending platform. They provide services to Individuals seeking financial assistance. They are also a reliable trading platform that connects borrowers and investors from all over the country. Security was their main concern and priority therefore TrueVett was opted to fulfill these requirements. VayMuon has already integrated the D-KYC services in their business. TrueVett team has fine-tuned and made several changes on the user experience and some bugs were also fixed. New security features were added to make the application a lot more secure. The teams mission is to maintain a positive user experience overall.They are one of our active partners who use TrueVett services.

The following link will show how TrueVett is integrated to VayMuon business.


EGATE (Leading crypto payment gateway)

EGATE, one of the leading wallet and payment gateway providersin blockchain space. Given the rising cost and challenges of KYC and payment authentication processes, TrueVett’s D-KYC and D-SECURE solutions was quickly adopted by EGATE. We have upgraded the services with better user experience features and implemented the latest security features to their services. Our partnership with EGATE is moving smooth.

NganLuong (#1 payment gateway provider in Vietnam)

NganLuong, Vietnam’s largest payment gateway, is one of TrueVett’s partners as we all know. We have been providing this partner secure verification and authentication services. To further enhance we have integrated the added security features as we have done for other partners. We have also customised it based on NganLuong’s requirement especially on payment gateway aspects. They are also one of our loyal and active partners.

Mobin (Upcoming InsureTech platform in Vietnam)

Mobin is a Vietnam based insure-tech platform. MOBIN is co-operated with VNPT, one of the largest Telco in Vietnam to provide service to their 30milliuon customers. VNPT is also the owner of Vinaphone with more than 30million users and branches across Vietnam. They are also the owner of VNPT Post with their network spread across every district of Vietnam. Mobin partnered with TrueVett for secure Digital Identity Verification and authentication mechanism to each of its partners merchants and customers. They are fairly new but one of our latest and active partners

Launching Promotion and Co-Marketing program

We have introduced a new launching promotions and co-marketing programs through our partners to increase adoption. The program has been introduced to all our existing partners. The feedback has been very positive so far and we are pleased that our partners are actively adopting this move. Our marketing team has been working closely with our partners to promote this further.

TrueVett- NEW Website and Email ID

Keeping in touch with our community is important to us. So, do keep in touch and do not hesitate to write to us if you have any questions or concerns. We also welcome suggestions on improving our offerings to our community. Do send us your enquiries and emails.

Website: www.truevett.com

For sales related communication kindly contact sales@truevett.com

For other enquiries please contact support@truevett.com

We look forward to hearing from you.

That’s all for January 2020 updates. Do not forget to visit our website and social media sites for more updates and do hit the like button to show your support and presence as always.

