Verisium’s Technology Suite: A Product of the Moment

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3 min readFeb 12, 2020

The most important thing to know about Verisium’s technology suite is that it’s only been made possible recently.

Let’s start with the heart of our solution, Verisium’s NFC-based microchip. From a cost perspective, had it been released even a few years earlier, it would have been too expensive to manufacture and deploy in all but the highest-end luxury products. But today, because of global economies of scale and falling chip prices, our microchip can be integrated into anything from sneakers to handbags without significantly impacting the retail price or the brand’s margins.

But a microchip by itself has no value; it needs to be accessible. Historically, NFC-based chips like ours could only be activated by specialized devices. But today, thanks to the rise of payment solutions like Apple Pay and Google Pay, they can be activated by any major smartphone with just a simple tap.

Which brings us to the tap itself. You’re certainly familiar with QR codes, the pioneering solution for interacting with a physical product. They do many things well, but modern technology has only recently begun to outgrow them. For example, QR codes can only take you to a simple mobile website, which is a waste given how powerful devices are today. They’ve begun to be copied or hijacked by malicious parties. And they’re woefully one-size-fits-all. In contrast, tapping a Verisium-powered product drives dynamic, rich storytelling using all the capabilities of your phone; it can’t be copied by even the most sophisticated pirate; and every single chip is one-of-a-kind. (Fun fact: Verisium can work hand-in-hand with QR codes, too).

Then there are the myriad reasons why you may want to tap our microchip in the first place. One of the biggest trends today is increased social awareness among customers who are demanding that the products they buy meet the highest standards of ethical and environmental production. Verisium traces every step of a product’s supply chain and can communicate this journey at a tap, creating new transparency that can be unleashed at any venue. Another trend is the increased disconnect between brands and customers. When you buy a product at a department store or online, your relationship is with the retailer and not with the brand itself. As such you’re missing out on special perks from the brand and the brand is missing out on getting to know its best customers. Verisium bridges this divide, complementing or powering next-generation brand loyalty programs.

Beyond the microchip, every part of Verisium’s architecture is cutting-edge and designed for security, scalability, and ease of adoption. On the backend, we make use of Microsoft’s Azure enterprise cloud, a rising industry standard. We also leverage blockchain in its purest form, without cryptocurrency. Our use of blockchain ensures that the data in our system cannot be tampered with, which is important for ensuring authenticity and creating trust around the increased transparency Verisium provides.

In terms of getting a brand up and running in our ecosystem, we have white labeled web and mobile apps for companies who want to get started quickly and we offer more extensive API integrations for companies who have more custom requirements.

Ultimately, Verisium’s technology is a product of this moment, only made possible today and built to solve problems that are becoming increasingly urgent for both brands and their customers.




The blog of Verisium — innovative company that helps Luxury Brands to fight counterfeit and engage customers in many exciting ways in all sales channels.