Canadian Police Crack 1994 Cold Case Murder of Schoolgirl

A suspect has been charged over the killing of 10-year-old Marie-Chantale Desjardins.

Verity Partington
Veritas True Crime


A picture of murder victim Marie-Chantale Desjardins
Marie-Chantale Desjardins, murdered in 1994 (Image: Sûreté du Québec Police)

Nearly three decades after a schoolgirl was abducted and murdered in Montreal, investigators say they have finally arrested and charged a suspect.

Marie-Chantale Desjardins was ten years old and had moved to the suburb of Ste-Thérèse with her mother and half-brother just a few weeks before she disappeared in the summer of 1994.

The Blainville Elementary School student was last seen on July 16th 1994 after she rode her bicycle to a friend’s house, but the friend was already busy and so Marie-Chantale left again.

Witnesses said they spotted her that afternoon at a nearby snack bar that she was known to frequent, and it’s thought she hung out with another friend at around that time. However, the little girl failed to return home and her mother reported her missing soon afterwards.

Four days later, the search for Marie-Chantale came to an end in the worst possible way when her body was discovered in a wooded area behind a shopping centre in Rosemère. And although the homicide caused an outpouring of grief and sparked an intensive murder investigation, there were never any leads and the case slowly went cold.



Verity Partington
Veritas True Crime

A writer and author of crime thrillers living in the UK. Partial to books, stationery, papercrafts and walking. You can find her books on Amazon here: https://a