Where Is Melanie Melanson? Investigators Still Hope For Answers

The 14-year-old was last seen in 1989 and it’s thought some individuals know more than they care to admit.

Verity Partington
Veritas True Crime


A picture of missing teenager Melanie Melanson
Melanie Melanson, missing since 1989 (Image: The Doe Network)

Investigators in the Middlesex County area of Massachusetts say they still hold out hope of getting answers in a cold case disappearance that has haunted a small town for more than a quarter of a century.

Melanie Melanson was just days away from her 15th birthday when she was last seen in Woburn on October 27th 1989. She has never been heard from since and, although she is presumed dead, her body has never been located either.

The teenager was a freshman in high school when she was invited to a party in a densely wooded area close to an industrial estate on the outskirts of town that autumn evening. The youngest attendee at a spot renowned as a hangout for underage drinking, Melanie would undoubtedly have been delighted to be asked and told her family she was going to sleep over at a friend’s house as a cover story.

At first, there were several people out partying, but the numbers gradually dwindled until eventually it was just Melanie and two remaining boys — and that is where accounts of what happened next start to differ.



Verity Partington
Veritas True Crime

A writer and author of crime thrillers living in the UK. Partial to books, stationery, papercrafts and walking. You can find her books on Amazon here: https://a