Veriteos × ARK Living, Bento, Care3, Radical Health, Teku

Kyloon Chuah
Published in
4 min readNov 17, 2022

Carlos Rodarte and Kyloon Chuah

We’re excited to announce Veriteos — a data-driven community care navigation platform for empowering patient access to effective digital mental health solutions, has partnered with 5 additional organizations through the Outcomes Network: ARK Living, Bento, Care3, Radical Health and Teku Family & Community Mental Health.

Our latest partnerships truly embody the “it takes a village” approach to ensure we can deliver coordinated, culturally relevant and dignifying mental health care to everyone living in underserved communities. As highlighted in our recent Outcomes Network Roundtable Discussion, we understand the ideal care coordination requires collaboration with community-based organizations providing social services to their local communities, such as access to housing, education and nutrition, as well as working in tandem with innovative digital health companies and trusted community clinics to bring a seamless yet personalized mental health care experience for every person we serve.

See below to learn more about our newly announced partners and how we’re working together towards our collective mission to massively improve mental health outcomes for the underserved communities:

ARK Living™ provides personalized and affordable wellbeing solutions for members in their residential communities, empowering individuals and local communities to improve the health and wellbeing within their living environment. We’re proud to be a partner of ARK Living™ in bringing evidence-based mental wellbeing solutions to their communities, in the comfort of their own home.

Kimmi Le, PharmD, Co-founding Partner of ARK Living™ says, “we are seeing a major trend at the intersection of housing and wellbeing, and are committed to making personal wellbeing solutions accessible to residents across the US.”

Bento, a food as medicine company, aims to reduce food insecurity by connecting at-risk populations to nutritious meals from local restaurants and grocery stores through an easy-to-use SMS text messaging service. There is significant research that has established food insecurity as an upstream risk factor for chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension and hypertension which is why we’re excited to be partnering with the Bento team to support the health and nutritional needs of the communities we serve with trust and dignity.

Adam Dole, Co-founder & COO of Bento says, “we realize the need to work in collaboration with community partners to achieve our mission, and we’re excited by the Veriteos model of empowering community resilience.”

Care3 is on a mission to advance health equity by minimizing the systemic bias in medical decision making and empower patients and their families to make better health decisions. Through Care3’s platform, patients can effectively track all their health information, collaborate with home and community care teams, as well as manage care appointments. We’re mission aligned with the team at Care3 in supporting the most vulnerable populations in navigating their care journey.

David S. Williams III, Founder & CEO of Care3 says, “it’s time we speak up and speak out towards medical bias, and this starts by empowering communities of color and our most vulnerable to properly advocate for themselves and their families.”

Radical Health aims to empower individuals to better understand and advocate for their own care journey by improving health literacy through community-powered chat circles. We are thrilled to be among the many prestigious organizations, including the Obama Foundation, NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene, Montefiore, and many more that partnered with Radical Health to create a more equitable healthcare system that benefits everyone.

“Creating community engagement involves being vulnerable, and being empathetic. We’re excited to work alongside Veriteos to activate people on their mental health care journey.” said Ivelyse Andino, Founder & CEO of Radical Health.

Teku Family & Community Mental Health is a virtual platform fostering child and family emotional health and wellness through a justice and healing-oriented approach. We build learning communities aiming to empower kids by empowering their caregivers with education, skills and resources to strengthen their family and community’s wellbeing. We believe Teku’s comprehensive yet accessible approach in providing non-judgemental and evidence-based programs outside of clinic walls can create a lasting impact not just on the child and their family, but also on the overall wellbeing of the community.

Dr. Barbara Robles-Ramamurthy, Founder & CEO of Teku says, “aside from medication and therapy, health-promoting and healing tools are not yet well incorporated into traditional mental health services, and with the severe shortage of child and family mental health providers, we owe it to our communities to make evidence-based healing practices accessible outside of our clinic walls.”

As we continue to expand our reach into more communities, we’re strongly committed to build a best-in-class community care navigation platform that brings together partner solutions and services in our effort to improve mental health outcomes for the communities we serve.

For more information, please reach out to us at



Kyloon Chuah

Co-Founder, Chief Product and Technology Officer @ Veriteos