Veriteos × Hight Health

Kyloon Chuah
Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2022

We’re proud to announce the partnership between Veriteos — a data-driven enablement platform for empowering patient access to effective digital health solutions via outcomes-based care models, and Hight Health — an Atlanta-based community-centric healthcare company focused on addressing social determinants of health (SDOH) in order to improve health access and the well-being of underserved populations. Hight Health does this by directly engaging with local communities through health-related events and coordinating direct access to health care.

Our partnership with Hight Health truly underscores the “it takes a village” approach embodied in the Outcomes Network — by orchestrating community-driven efforts alongside with our Digital Health Company and Health Promoting Organization partners to advance our mission to deliver affordable and effective digital health solutions to underserved communities with a strong focus on health equity and inclusion.

Hight Health provides much needed localized services for people through in-person community health fairs and health-related programming and events. The opportunity for people to directly interact with their local health and non-profit organizations helps bring the community closer together, while empowering people to improve their quality of life. Hight Health’s proven ability to reach and attract a high number of individuals and families that are uninsured or under-insured to its events, further emphasizes the impact it has on the underserved community through its services — identifying those eligible for free/subsidized health insurance, assisting the enrollment process on-site, raising awareness and health literacy through educational programs, as well as connecting people to valuable local community resources.

“Achieving patient-centric healthcare that is culturally competent requires the collaboration of mission-driven companies like Veriteos and Hight Health. I believe this partnership opens the opportunity for our organizations to work closely together with healthcare providers and enable high-quality care for millions of individuals,” said Terrence Hight, Jr., Chief Executive Officer of Hight Health.

In collaboration with Hight Health and other partners within the Outcomes Network, we are enabling a high-tech and high-touch approach to drive impactful health outcomes at the community-level. We believe it is vital to ensure that the experience and participation of people with their healthcare services are informed and personalized in the context of their unique needs and life circumstances. This includes ensuring patients are afforded with culturally competent health coordination with direct access to care, as well as extending care beyond the traditional clinic and hospital settings.

Veriteos will be providing the technology enablement layer to augment Hight Health’s established relationships with local healthcare providers, payors, and trusted community leaders to effectively coordinate our collective community efforts from the ground up. This empowers Hight Health and their partners to play a more proactive role by leveraging a data-driven approach in orchestrating and connecting care, as well as delivering essential services to those with the greatest need, at the time of need.

With Hight Health’s deep understanding of people’s needs at the local-level, as well as their extensive reach into the underserved communities, we’re truly excited to have Hight Health as a partner on our journey together to improve health equity and build an outcomes-centric healthcare experience for everyone.

For more information, please reach out to us at

Thanks to Carlos Rodarte for reading drafts of this post.



Kyloon Chuah

Co-Founder, Chief Product and Technology Officer @ Veriteos